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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. LOL It's true... this certainly didn't age well! When it was 21-3 KC I was like "I'm glad I didn't watch this mess!"
  2. Of course Mahomes makes mistakes this week... Congratulations to the Bengals though!
  3. I want an LA KC insanely dramatic super bowl with all sorts of craziness, twists and turns, with an insane finish that I can just watch with no drama and enjoy! With no Brady it's just fun... Lots of good food, enjoy the spectacle of it all and hope for a great game. Any of the remaining 4 teams is about I same for me but I want the most entertaining Super Bowl
  4. Just such terrible coaching on defense for those 13 seconds... inexcusable
  5. YES! What we're missing is a big target at WR, plus this guy is an athletic freak
  6. I had no idea that a Bill was anywhere near any part of either of those plays. This is brutal. Rams could easily win it all, no matter who they play. that D is totally legit.
  7. Watching this makes my blood boil... Coaches screwed up so epically... I think they choked. Panicked. Around 17 minutes in they discuss McD's obsession with detail. I want to scream.
  8. Agreed... something went wrong at the end. That wasn't the plan.
  9. At first glance, schedule doesn't look bad. NFC North is terrible, and if Rodgers leaves GB they will be lucky to win 5 games. If I need my taxes done or need to renegotiate an employment contract I'll call Kirk Cousins, otherwise Vikings are mediocre to bad. The Lions and Bears are both LOL AFC North is a bit tougher, though, but we should continue to own the AFC East, which gets you in the tournament no matter what.
  10. Not for me, I enjoy the sport and the league too much. I'll be watching these games and of course the Super Bowl, which could shape up to be a great game.
  11. I love NFL football, so I'll be watching, but I don't expect either championship game to be that interesting or exciting. 49ers games are like playing football in 18 inches of mud. Nothing happens in their games for 55 minutes of clock and then they recover a timely fumble or block a FG or punt (or both) to win. Then it's like "how the hell did they win AGAIN?" 49ers are a better version of the Titans. Physical team that seems to be awful but somehow always wins. KC will blow out the Bengals. Bengals feel like a team that's missing something, or a lot of something. A KC/LA Super Bowl would be a lot of fun to watch, though. I would root for Stafford, McVay and Donald to win a ring and take away Tampa's "only team to win a SB at home" as well.
  12. Allen is unconventional, so a lot of the stat geeks and "guys who TRULY understand football" and aren't fooled by 9 TD, 0 INT and 12 incomplete passes TOTAL in 2 playoff games against Belichick and Reid will just never really accept him until he wins a Super Bowl, and even then it'll be "but he's only won 1" That's fine! Allen is truly special, but he does need to take fewer hits, especially early in the season. Beane is right about that. Allen is now good enough throwing the ball that he's as good or better than 85-90% of NFL QB at just throwing of the ball and getting it to playmakers. But once the playoffs start the cape can go on, because it's for all the marbles. But let's not call too many Allen runs in September and October.
  13. Chiefs Rams would be an amazing game, and could go either way. Others have said it, but the NFC could be 2-0 in the last 2 years, oddly both at home.
  14. Rodgers, who already can't win playoff games, wants to go from the NFC cupcake division to the AFC West to face the Chargers and Chiefs, with the Raiders even spunky... OK! Rodgers on the Steelers would be a lot more interesting to watch as an NFL fan... Imagine being Cleveland... Your QB is already #3 in the division, now he's suddenly #4 by a LARGE margin. Rodgers Burrow Lamar Baker
  15. NFC will have nobody left, especially if Rodgers and Wilson go to the AFC. It's nuts! Most of these guys don't seem to think strategically. "I want to win more super Bowls, so I'll leave a conference with 3 good teams and join the AFC, which has Allen, Mahomes, Herbet, Jackson, Burrow, NE lurking around, and Indy and Tennesee which are solid squads with awful QBs but still win games. Brady could come back to Tampa and just play December on and basically have a bye to the NFC Title Game vs the Rams.
  16. QB1 is a prize fighter.... he doesn't play football for free
  17. Both QB and HC are very good. We're going to win eventually. Remember a few years ago Rams/Chiefs was the sexy SB pick? Well, here we are possibly.
  18. McD saying it was "execution" says a lot, I think. If he wanted a touchback then execution was perfect.
  19. Yup! I mean zero resistance at all. Poyer or Hyde could have manned up on Kelce and at least made it a contested play. I think they panicked after the kickoff didn't go as planned. They had this D drawn up (and it WOULD have been perfect with 7-8 seconds left) and just stuck with it anyway.
  20. That pre-snap photo says it all. Chiefs were guaranteed the 40. But if our DL just backpedaled 5-10 yards at the snap there's people all over the place in that currently empty space. Chiefs would have just discussed this in detail: quick hitter, get some yards, go down. Don't run and burn all the clock when you catch it! Suddenly Mahomes takes the snap and sees the middle clogged and there's no easy throw. He probably tries to zing it in there but maybe someone gets in the way of the route or knocks the ball down. It would be a "WTF?" moment for him and you never know how he reacts. Maybe an OL takes off downfield after the DL or just loses his sense of the line of scrimmage in the confusion and the heat of the moment, making a pass impossible. Illegal man downfield, 5 yard penalty, plus burned time.
  21. Dungy was a great coach who ran into Belichick and Brady in their primes. Brady's done, and Bill is 70. There's nobody like that now. Chiefs are great but those Patriot teams got into peoples' heads. If McD and Allen go to 4 Super Bowls and win 2 I think we'd be pretty happy.
  22. AND now you're playing 11 D vs 6 O (5 O really). All 5 OL are just standing there confused trying not to run too far downfield and end up drawing a flag. Mahomes had a plan but now he has to decide in a blink if he just runs or starts to tell his WR to go deeper, all while that precious clock is ticking.... Point is you put pressure on the offense to figure something out AND not screw up (OL). And you play 11 vs 5. Instead, we took 6 of our players (4DL and Poyer and Hyde) out of the picture. Of course this would only work in a scenario like we saw. Normally you'd get eaten up by it, as the QB would just take off. But that's perfect when the clock is a factor and plays need to happen lightning quick. True but the element of surprise needs to be there, or KC will have a call for it. I wouldn't have my big DT in there. 3-4 fastest DL or just line up with 3 DL.
  23. I'd rather say they kick it to the 5 and he returns it to the 30 with 7 seconds remaining. Plus you make them choose. If it hits the ground the clock starts plus there are Bills around, so I need to get this ball and do something with it.
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