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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. How is Cook zero factor in the game plan?
  2. Moss in means pretty much zero chance of a dynamic play from RB
  3. They will when we have the ball
  4. That's not holding?! Lol... Ok
  5. FFS... Total meltdown today and now we're going to be stuck with Moss running all game
  6. Can we please retire the Super Bowl talk? This team is good but it turns out we're one of a handful of good teams rather than a notch above
  7. We've drafted 3 RBs in 3rd and 2nd round but our 2nd round guy is invisible in the game plan I think Singletary is good but doesn't get enough touches
  8. We look like we're still gassed from Miami
  9. Ravens DBs are glued to the WRs
  10. Just once I want to see a big sloppy DT pick one of those stupid shovel passes off and rumble for a TD
  11. Saints better not leave the refs too much time on the clock!
  12. Ref was literally standing there watching Thielan drag the DB down by the facemask and called DPI.. As I'm typing, holding on the Saints
  13. And people say they want to play against Brady in the Super Bowl? If it's one PI away then the refs will step in late in the game.
  14. 100% Refs stepped in to save the Vikings... All ticky tack at best and 3 on one drive all on 3rd down
  15. Refs stepping up in the Saints Vikings game Lol... NFL has become WWE with these ridiculous flags every single 3rd down
  16. Actually Belichick has 8 SB rings, one more than everyone's suddenly beloved Tommy.
  17. I think it's the broadcast. Mine looks darker than normal channels too
  18. Last line nailed it. Many of us care about these guys as human beings too.
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