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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Plus, at least with Miami it never actually happened. To use your police officer analogy, the officer says "that's very kind of you but I cannot accept that gift card legally" and that's the end of it. No crime actually was committed. Now Jackson is claiming he actually went along with it in Cleveland, making him just as guilty if that's what went down.
  2. but if the tanking never occurred then there was no crime. If someone considers robbing a bank but then thinks twice and doesn't then there was no crime. Every DWI commercial says "think twice, save a life." You don't get arrested for DWI for trying to get into your car drunk and making your friends wrestle the keys away. You never drove drunk. In this case, EVEN IF what Flores alleges is true, he wrestled the keys from Ross's hands and stopped this from happening.
  3. Let's be honest, we all basically knew Daboll was going there. I think Flores is extra angry about that because it sounds like a front office guy was giving him the idea that he was the guy
  4. I mean, Al Davis once just made himself coach of the Raiders, and actually did OK.
  5. Total BS Bon Jovi realized all he had to say was "Trump made it up!" and people would buy it. The entire Toronto series was about building the fanbase there for an eventual move. If Rodgers had outlived Ralph the team would 100% be in Toronto right now full time. Rodgers couldn't have cared less about the team's security in Buffalo. He paid an obscene amount of money to Ralph for those games. It was like $80 million dollars, which back then was roughly 1/10 the price of buying an NFL team, as teams hadn't hit the billion mark yet. But yeah, if his family ended up buying them they were going to basically give the team to Bon Jovi and let him run it from a canal boat in Tonawanda while they financed a team in WNY and paid all the bills for a new stadium. OK No, Bon Jovi was being used as the "friendly face" when the Rodgers group was going to put up 70% of the money. Those guys know how popular classic rock is in Buffalo/WNY. Geddy Lee was their first choice, but alas, he was a Toronto man.
  6. Is a team resting starters because it has the playoffs locked up tanking/throwing that game? That team losing could affect a handful of other teams that don't make the playoffs because they needed that team to win. This is a Pandora's box
  7. It's like the Texans really want to hire McCown but they're scared. Either it works and you're geniuses or it doesn't and you look like fools. Who cares what anyone says right now? Pray about it a bit.
  8. Florio and his ilk make a huge dela every year out of what an injustice and travesty it is that Eric Bienemy doesn't get "his" HC job. Maybe he's just not that impressive?
  9. It seems like the part of the lawsuit that is getting the most traction, corroboration and attention is about tanking, which has nothing to do with race. IMO the race stuff is just there to get attention but it's ultimately not provable. You can hire whoever you want. A team just liked candidate A better, it's that simple. And Congress investigate? LOL really? OK, let's talk about the diversity of Congress, AND the diversity of each member of the panel's congressional aides and staff. This lawsuit is going to become a lot more about tanking and that type of thing than race. It's already going that way. Does the contract say coach will be paid for losing X number of games? If so that's amazing. It brings up a question. Is strategically angling to lose when the NFL offers a massive incentive to do it (the Draft) a crime? Or is it like punting? You cut your losses this season for a huge gain later, your ULTIMATE goal being to win because that draft pick will help you do that.
  10. I remember when wrestlers would go ballistic if you suggested WWF (its name then) wasn't "real" and was pre-determined. Any wrestling fan remembers Hogan putting Belzer in a sleeper and messing him up pretty good. The suggestion being "show me a move Hulkster!" like it was all fun and games and not real sport. Hogan put in him a sleeper and choked him out on live TV. The whole thing was nuts, especially because Mr. T was there as well, as they were doing media for their WrestleMania tag team match. Mr. T demanded the adience be filled with kids, who then watch Hogan almost kill the host on live television! LOL Dude went out cold and smashed his head open when he hit the floor, with blood all over the place. What were we talking about again?
  11. Even if there are bonus payments, unless the check says "bonus for losing games" the team could say it was a token of thanks for hanging in there during a tough season.
  12. I will preface this by saying that I really like McDermott and what he has done here. But eventually he has to get this team into the Super Bowl. I think he will, but if he doesn't things will start to get hot.
  13. all Schoen has to say is that he really loved Flores, and when it came time to make a hiring decision he was a close second and their fallback option if Daboll declined their offer. No sham at all, he just didn't beat out Daboll. But he did beat out everyone else they interviewed. Daboll was the OC of an offense that became close to unstoppable in the playoffs and helped groom Josh Allen into a superstar. So it's not crazy that Daboll would be seen as #1 and Flores as #2 choice. Now, nobody likes to hear that they are the #2 choice, but lots of #2 choices ultimately get hired and never know they were the 2nd, or even 3rd, option. If Flores wanted to put his money where his mouth was he had 3 years as HC to hire minority coaches as his coordinators to help them build their careers. Instead he went retread and NE route and then kneecapped Stedesville by making him a "Co OC" whatever the hell that means. HIS intentions were pure, of course, but first time GM's who do the same? It's all a SHAM!
  14. How does a coach tank? Prepare poorly? The players would have to be in on it you'd think.
  15. Plus Flores himself basically insinuates that Daboll was willing to be his OC... So how exactly would Flores comply with the Rooney Rule for his OC opening in a way that wasn't a sham, to use his words? There's no crime in the Giants hiring the OC of the Bills, who helped develop Josh Allen and called 2 consecutive games this season against Belichick where the offense scored on every drive and didn't punt once.
  16. So Flores was willing to circumvent the Rooney Rule when it suited him, because he knew a guy from NE.
  17. 2 GM jobs went to men of color this cycle, which is encouraging on this front. You don't see that really mentioned though. I would have liked to see Leftwich get the Jax job and Caldwell get another chance as well. Maybe they still will. There's a lot of really good candidates like Ryans, Leftwich, Staley, Glenn, Graham that might need just a bit more experience but could be the next generation of young HC But as many have mentioned, almost all defensive coaches when the league seems to want 25 year old assistant WR coaches who spent 5 minutes with Sean Mcvay
  18. How many if us here "knew" Daboll was going to the Giants once Schoen was hired as GM?
  19. Love the idea! What OL coach wouldn't want to work on a top SB contender? Let's hire the best OL guy out there to develop all the young guys we have on the OL!
  20. The thing is, lots of negative stuff about Flores came out all season long, way before his firing. You can just Google and read things from weeks to months ago about the dysfunction on his staff. I don't claim to know the inner workings but it seems to me that Flores passed over a number of qualified coaches to hire who he wanted. Apparently his intentions were pure, making him unique I suppose. It could also be that he's a bit of a head case. Time will tell.
  21. And he LOVES negative stories about the NFL. Maybe Flores is telling the truth, and his own hiring practices and treatment of players was due to what he thought was best Here's a question for Flores: how many co- offensive coordinators are there in the NFL? I wonder how Studesville felt about being essentially told he didn't deserve a shot to truly run an offense? Easy to question others but when it came time to decide who to stake his career to Flores didn't seem overly concerned about diversity in his staff. Now we're supposed to say how brave he is? No brave would be to take a stand and hire a black OC and DC. Prove a point. There's tons of highly qualified guys. And God knows he chewed through staff so he made plenty of hires. So what gives?
  22. How could Flores know who he wanted for his OC without complying with the Rooney Rule and giving everyone a fair shake?
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