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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. It was so much fun watching Sanders and Thomas in their primes. Both would crush it in today's NFL. Especially Thurman though. He was Marshall Faulk before that was a thing.
  2. Hue Jackson's big reveal was a giant flop. We'll, they didn't pay me to lose but the roster was bad and they kept me in for year 3 after I only won 1 game in 2 years... Then he got fired in year 3 and Gregg win a bunch of games as interim coach with that same roster. If anything Hue Jackson is an example of a team sticking with a coach too long. Now, there are legitimate concerns as it relates to the number of minority HC in the NFL. But this entire lawsuit is making a mockery of the issue in my opinion because the claims sound like unprofessional heresay. But if you'll notice people are still saying we need to investigate the Browns thing even after Hue Jackson himself said it never happened that way. IMO that's the goal here. Public perception is baked in. Daboll is illegitimate. Elway staggered into Flores interview hungover, and Ross tried to pay him to tank games. And Hue was incentivized to lose, even though he now admits that's not really what happened.
  3. If you haven't read Hue Jackson's latest contributions you really need to... Is this for real?
  4. Supposedly the new Vikings GM really wanted Harbaugh but ownership wasn't on board.
  5. That part of the complaint struck me as really odd. "Obviously had been drinking heavily the night before" is a subjective, unprovable claim. It seems easily defeated, and more importantly, is clearly defamatory if untrue. It just seems sloppy, and makes me wonder what other parts are sloppy. And I'm just a guy on a message board. I'm sure billionaire's lawyers noticed that too.
  6. Makes sense, I hope Star decides to hang em up. OR he gets back to when he was pretty good.
  7. If Josh had Thurman of the 1990 season then we might never punt all season, unless Josh uncorked a deep ball on 3rd down and just missed a guy andwe had to here and there. I also loved Barry Sanders, but he was not as good as Thurman as an all around back, IMO. Emmitt Smith was also great, but not the all around threat.
  8. If he retires, aren't we stuck with the same deap cap as if he was cut?
  9. Thurman Thomas was, IMO, the best RB of the past 40 years. He was also the last Buffalo Bill to be named league MVP. Thurman was incredible, and in a time when the game was much more based on defense and running the ball, he was a 2000's era RB. He could run, for sure, with incredible vision, power and speed. Then he could line up as a freaking WR and catch the ball 25 yards down the field along the sideline, not just in the slot (although he could do that too). Then he could come in and pass block or run block for another runner. The dude was a 2020's RB 30 years ago, when you could hold, illegal contact was not a thing, and pass interference was rarely called. Guys could take headshots without it being a penalty. There was no defenseless WR. I could go on and on, but in an era of brutal, physical defense he was still nearly unstoppable. In today's game he would be even more unstoppable. I would take Thurman Thomas over EVERY RB who has played since 1980, at least.
  10. Star's contract is still brutal... No real savings to cut him. 9 mil if he plays 7 mil if he's gone.
  11. Best for all not to proceed if fit is in question
  12. that all makes total sense! It's pretty crazy how dysfunctional that franchise truly is
  13. Did Culley make those mistakes, or was having the GM, and the "consultant" or whatever they called Romeo Crennell, in his headset chattering away at key moments a distraction that caused him to botch decisions?
  14. Again though, Flores wasn't actually paid to lose. He says he refused the offer. It is interesting that Flores employed co OC's and constantly messed with Tua by taking him out, putting Fitz in, taking Fitz out... Those decisions were widely criticized as counterproductive at the time... Did he actually ACCEPT the offer and now wants to act like he didn't? Because Hue Jackson is basically saying he went along and tanked, if I'm reading that right, making him just as guilty (if not more) because he then lied to his players and put their careers in harm's way for his own personal gain. Again, based on what he seems to be saying.
  15. How cool is it that teams are searching for "the next Josh Allen?" The future is bright here, and Allen WILL lead us to a Super Bowl win! Now that Brady is gone the league is wide open. Rodgers might even win a playoff game or two down the line!
  16. the GM and Romeo Crennel were BOTH in Culley's headset during games, which is just bizarre to me. I'm surprised Easterby wasn't in there as well. Culley worked miracles with what he dealt with IMO.
  17. The thing about the Fitz curse is that the starters ahead of him weren't that good. Part of being not a very good QB is you get hurt a lot. If you notice, the star QBs seem to know how to avoid serious injuries most of the time. It's part of being a good QB. Bad QBs hold the ball too long, don't see hits coming, and get smashed because they can't process the field fast enough to get rid of the ball.
  18. I still can't imagine how the mechanics of a coach "tanking" would work. Play it out: coach says "ok I'll tank." But that's the HC. So what does he do? He's got an entire staff of coaching making (comparatively) peanuts who are trying to advance their careers and get that HC job someday. Does he say to them "guys, we're all just going to mail it in and lose on purpose?" So now the OC has the 32nd ranked offense. the DC has the 32nd ranked defense. Special teams coordinator has special teams that stink. Plus the position coaches who don't make enough money that they can afford this to be their last stop. So, now the position coaches (if they go along) are basically deciding that they are at their career ceilings, because NOBODY is going to look to hire them when they are on the worst team in the league and their units all stink. So these coordinators and assistants, who could (and likely would) take the hit at the end of the year, because SOME changes would need to be made if they kept the HC, would agree to basically stink at their jobs, get fired, uproot their families yet again just a year or two later, but now have poor prospects of getting another job based on their performance. For what? So the team and coach that fired them could get a better draft pick and start winning while they're selling cars or working at a HS somewhere in Oklahoma teaching gym class and coaching the OL on the football team? Then there's the players. Hey QB: we need you to stink and torpedo your career. Then we'll cut you once we draft your replacement and nobody else will pay you anything more than peanuts to play. And it goes on and on. Now, you could just put together a team of practice squad level players and let them play 100% knowing they'll lose anyway. In that case, lots of teams in lots of leagues have done it openly. But you can't speak the words, I guess I get that. Now, in the case of Hue Jackson... The guy is an egomaniac who speaks about himself in the 3rd person. He talked a ton about Cleveland having a winner in town, but now he wants us to believe that his laughable W/L record was actually on purpose? I'm not going to say it's impossible, because the Browns owner is a shady dude, but it just doesn't make sense for Hue (and the GM apparently) to sabotage his own career for a million extra bucks. NOW, if Hue Jackson is telling the truth, maybe Ross went to Flores and said "hey, let's do what the Browns did with Hue" and Flores told him NO WAY! are you nuts? And that was the end of it. In that case, it's bad, but if we're being honest with ourselves how bad is it? The same fans who WANT their team to lose for that 1st overall pick to get a QB are really mad when the powers that be try to make that happen? It's not really losing in a sense, because the point is to win big by losing now. The prize of the next Burrow, Allen, Mahomes sitting there vs drafting a tackle at #2 is franchise changing. So you're not really "trying to lose" so much as trying to WIN by doing that.
  19. I love Dawson Knox's game now! TE is a tough spot to fill.... Even pretty decent TE's are a rare breed in the NFL. We have to lock him up.
  20. Trubisky if he will stay. If not, it's time to tap into that Fitzmagic, one more time! Fitz might add a vibe and a little bit of comic relief that every team needs too.
  21. Definitely the 49ers. I would bet $$ on it. 49ers were also in on Peyton Manning before he chose Denver and almost signed him, so Brady probably thought they would be interested but they weren't. That probably pisses him off as much as anything. Plus, YET AGAIN someone wants to go with Jimmy G over him?!
  22. I think the issue is that Harbaugh reportedly wanted the "John Gruden contract" of 100+million dollars and total roster control on top of that. I could see a GM saying "no thanks" to having zero authority. These guys should bet on themselves: 3 year deal for 7 million per year, but 100% total control of roster and draft picks. If after that 3 years you are rolling then the big $$ comes.
  23. Wow! I had no idea, and that's pretty messed up! From your post I'm guessing that whether discretion is exercised because it's a little old lady just trying to be nice and not having any idea that it's a "bribe" is entirely dependent on the whims of whoever processes the paperwork? I think the team Brady is talking about is SF. Supposedly the 49ers were his #1 choice in free agency. His family is in California, he's from there, grew up rooting for the 49ers... And they didn't want him, which IMO would have pissed him off and would fit with the "sticking with that..." in reference to Jimmy G. BTW, talk about stupid! 49ers spent a gazillion picks to draft Lance but could have kept all that capital and just added Brady for free.
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