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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. It's truly amazing how dysfunctional the Texans are... I mean, can their fans even get excited about this? We used to talk ourselves into the Jaurons and Mularkeys of the world because "you never know" but at least there wasn't this level of ugliness around the team. We just had a 90+ year old owner and some of the issues that come from him wanting to still play a major role. There was some goofiness, but not the type of ugly stuff going on in Houston. At the end of the day we could still like our team.
  2. We're not overreacting at all. I still cannot imagine how the Chiefs ran 2 plays for 40 yards in 10 seconds.
  3. Lovie is already there under contract, so he might as well take the significant raise. Nobody else is going there, that's for sure. Basically "here's $25 million to train McCown for a year or two" I'm sure a large part of his job will be hiring McCown as OC and training him to be the next HC.
  4. He was just on Pat MacAfee's show last week (you can see it on Pat's YouTube channel) and he made it clear he has zero intentions of retiring because he loves what he does.
  5. Baseball is so depressingly boring... it would be like going into witness protection. Even people who go to baseball games barely pay attention most of the time. It's just guys standing around in sunglasses while the batter hits 13 foul balls or finally strikes out. When something actually happens of substance it's like "WOW! a hit!" I guess that's the big excitement of a baseball game. A HIT! Oh he didn't make it to first though.... Back to looking at the skyline and talking about anything else other than the game happening on the field. At least each team plays 1,361 games a season!
  6. We had the ball coming out of half... Bills were dominating that game but the scoreboard didn't show it. On that "4 Falls" show a couple of Cowboys basically said the Bills were manhandling them but seemed terrified of what was going to happen next... If we go down and get 7 it's 20-6 midway into the 3rd quarter back when that was a huge lead... the Cowboys were ready to say "hey they finally got one!" because Aikman was so concussed he didn't know what planet he was on. Instead it's a fumble returned for a TD and a 13-13 game.
  7. The Sabres are their own cesspool of misery... It's truly amazing that things haven't improved despite "generational talents" in the draft.
  8. TUCK IT AN RUN A-ARON! Rodgers could have saved us all a lot of trouble by just running that ball in for a TD
  9. Maybe it's a Russell Wilson trade for Kyler Murray. THAT would be interesting! OR Murray for Rodgers.
  10. Well, that's true but the Texans seem like a special kind of messed up!
  11. Over the past few years, just saying "COVID" has worked for a lot of things... It's worth a try! Beane: Hey Roger, we need to get Star's contract off the books completely. Roger: That's not how it works.. Beane: Well, it's due to COVID, so... Roger: Oh, my God! OK, excuse me I didn't realize. Please accept my apology in the form of a cap credit and an extra 3rd round pick.
  12. If Mike Tomlin's contract expired and he decided to become a free agent coach he would be among (if not THE) most sought after HC candidate, both college and NFL programs would be tossing offers his way trying to lure him to their team. He could walk in and demand the John Gruden contract and probably get it. Why? Because the man wins and he is a great coach. Now, I get the entire point is to find more Mike Tomlins, and I agree. But labelling team executives as racists is not constructive, and not even true in most cases IMO. The solution is to get more minority coaches working as OC's with top QBs. That's the quickest way to a HC job. Bienemy is the exception, but maybe the rumors are true and he just doesn't interview well? Most teams with HC openings either have a young QB or are going to invest a high pick in one, and want someone who can develop that talent and maximize the franchise's investment. This time around, the Jacksonville job was Leftwich's, but he demanded a new GM and the team wasn't willing to make the change. Good for him not going into a bad spot, but it's not like that process was at fault. Really it was Leftwich who made the call. It's a bit more complicated than saying "the NFL is racist" because the NFL is a name. Really Flores is saying that the Broncos owners and management, and the Giants owners and management, and the Dolphins owners and management, are racist. And I don't think that is true given the circumstances.
  13. This just goes to show that you can only win the Pro Bowl on Sunday, but you can lose it anytime during the week.
  14. Flores is by far the better choice, based solely on recent work.
  15. That makes sense... I hadn't thought of the ways teams could abuse the rule
  16. Agreed, and it's already happening. This whole lawsuit just strikes me as clumsy but the damage is done and nobody wants to hear the "updates" let's call them. Maybe that was the real purpose all along.
  17. Just NFL pressure, or Hue being Hue? He's always been a guy who talks a huge game.
  18. Hue Jackson came right out last night and said unequivocally that he was never offered money to lose. So his story has already changed. As far as a solution? Incentivize hiring a minority HC. They're doing that now but it's backwards. The team who loses the coach is rewarded. Instead, reward the hiring team. 1st round pick for a team that hires minority HC. If the goal is to increase the number of minority HC that will do it. If I'm the Saints I can either hire Bienemy, who comes with pick #33, or whoever recently had lunch with Sean Mcvay. It could tip the scales.
  19. That 1st down with 13 seconds left was the game. Don't let them get any meaningful yardage there and it's total desperation play time. I would have played it like a 4th down and 10. Defend the 35. Like I mentioned before, they are NOT going deep on you there. Too risky, because if it's incomplete it's game over. Their whole strategy would be get a quick hitter followed by some RAC. So it isn't like mid play they would adjust and suddenly run deep. It was drilled into them: get open quick, catch it, get what you can and get DOWN for the timeout. Your QB is expecting a quick hitter, and suddenly you are going to improvise and just run a go route?
  20. I can't think of a currently active QB in the NFL that I would take over Allen. Allen has become much more of a "real QB" reading defenses, distributing the ball, and using his immense physical talents to get out of trouble only when needed.
  21. I'm not sure what to think of Green Bay's roster. On one hand, it seems like they have a lot of star players, but then again the offense is Adams and whoever else. This is why I hope the Bills just keep adding weapons for Allen. Diggs, Davis, Knox, Beasley, and a rookie WR that is big and fast along with a super fast option at RB would be nice to see. Just score 30-35 points per game and hope you defense can force a punt or two.
  22. Every QB misses easy passes sometimes... All it takes is the QB and WR/RB to slightly out of synch, and a pass that is exactly where the QB wanted it to be is not where the RB/WR is. Or other times, the QB just misses one. It happens. I do agree that Allen is a better QB than Mahomes, although both are great. When you pressure Allen he'll go to the mat with you, but IMO Mahomes falls apart when you really crank up the pressure on him and force him to take hits and make tight window passes.
  23. Either a DT that blocks out the sun or a blazing fast RB please! NOT A DE that will rank #1 in DVOA or some Excel spreadsheet but never actually make a memorable play in a game.
  24. I still cannot believe we freaking lost that game. It's inexcusable! It robbed Allen of a legacy defining moment, robbed the team of a hard fought epic win, and robbed the fans of a home AFC Title game vs the Bengals. We just flat out GAVE them the yards. We didn't even challenge them. Now, if we had pooched or squibbed and killed off 4-5 seconds first that D might have worked. The Chiefs almost didn't have time as it was. It was close. So having 4-5 seconds less makes it a different story. I think they had a squib/pooch called followed by this D, and when the kickoff cluster happened they just stuck with the D anyway, figuring it probably would still work. All this worry about a deep pass... IF the Chiefs went deep with 13 seconds it's the game right there. If it's anything but complete they would have 1 more play from their 25. Just dumb strategy.
  25. I say it's Rodgers to the Steelers. That would be fun to watch that division.
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