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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. maybe Miles Garrett will write a poem about how playing for the Browns stinks and we can trade for him.
  2. there was NO WAY the refs were going to allow the Jaguars to win that game. It was totally 1-sided officiating that cost the Jaguars points and gave NE points. A 14 point lead on Brady? LOL That's 1 well-timed PI penalty and one great pass from being tied up.
  3. Agreed! surest way to lose a close game is to muff a punt and give the other team free points.
  4. McDermott might have trusted his coordinators a little too much there. You are the HC. Nobody even knows who the Special Teams coordinator is. I'll bet 50% of Bills fans couldn't have named the ST coordinator at the time of the 13 seconds kickoff. All anyone knows is that "McDermott blew it." Some blame Frazier too, but who was Andy Reid's OC/DC/ST for all of his big game blunders? All anyone remembers is Andy Reid lost. And yes I know I made a big thread about Reid recently. Dude had it all set up for him and blew it. I thought he was past that.
  5. It would cost a LOT more than that. More like 2-3 1st round picks plus maybe a 2nd or 3rd. No thanks. I'd rather trade a 1st for a proven DE that a team wants to move for cap reasons.
  6. The Patriots created a mystique, a sort of psychological warfare that had teams and players looking over their shoulders expecting the boogeyman at every turn. Walking into Gillette in a playoff game was like being left alone in a haunted asylum. Your mind plays tricks on you, and you build them up into something much more than they are. That was their greatest edge. You just KNEW something was up, even if you couldn't put your finger on it. They found a way to pressure teams psychologically and in a game of inches that little edge can be huge. When you're expecting disaster to strike it has a way of happening for you.
  7. Lamar is going to be fun to watch. I think he's at a bit of a crossroads career-wise. Injuries and defenses caught up with him a bit this season. How will he respond in 22? He starting to suffer some injuries due to his playing style, and he isn't the biggest guy out there. He also has some mysterious "illness" that kept him out of games as well, so I hope he is OK just on a human level. He seems like a great person and a guy you root for (except when he plays the Bills, of course!) Now, the Ravens suffered an insane number of injuries in their run game, which really hurt their offense and set them back, so the fact that they were even in the playoff conversation late in the season was amazing. It'll be fun to see them back to full strength in that division. Poor Browns fans... You have AT BEST the 3rd best QB in your division, let alone the AFC. That's assuming Rodgers doesn't go to Pittsburgh.
  8. As much as I hated New England at the time, it just seemed like a silly thing to freak out over. So the balls are a little deflated... Just seemed weak, although I did enjoy their misery. Of course, like always, Brady and Co. got over on everyone by beating Seattle in the Super Bowl that year so there is that.
  9. NO For one, he can't run anymore and can only play like 2-3 games a season. Two, what he did to Tre White is unforgiveable. Screw Gronk. Go play for the Bengals, who don't even have a real practice facility because their owner is so cheap.
  10. What's amazing is that Mularkey got 2 other head coaching jobs after he quit in Buffalo. Actually, what's more amazing is that the Bills had 2 head coaches QUIT in a roughly 10 year span. We've come SO FAR from that mess.
  11. I was re-watching old Super Bowls on YouTube recently (NFL uploaded a bunch to their channel in very good quality) Anyway, I was watching Steelers/Cardinals SB (amazing game). Near the end of the game when it looked like the vaunted Steelers defense just lost the game by giving up a huge TD pass (that was mostly RAC) to Larry Fitzgerald, Madden said this (it might not be 100% word for word, but here's the gist): So many things in football are about when you do them. You can have all the stats you want but did you do it when you had to do it? When I heard that my first thought was our #1 defense that no-showed at the end of the game.
  12. So when do the Congressional hearings start, and has anyone checked on Florio to see if he is OK? He was SO EXCITED that this might bring the NFL to its knees a week ago. He must be despondent right now.
  13. I guess it's more popular than I realized, so that's good for MLB fans! In WNY we get all up in arms when people mock the NHL, so I get it. Come to think of it, MAN do I miss hockey. It's like the Sabres disappeared 10 years ago and moved to the moon.
  14. Bengals don't feel like a Super Bowl team. It bugs me. That said, it is fun to see some new teams in the mix. I'm going to enjoy the game, and I'll probably root for Stafford and Donald to get rings.
  15. I personally can't watch either. Soccer fans are so intense for a game where nobody ever scores and it just ends in penalty kicks where the goalie has to defend a net the size of a house. The "too dumb to understand baseball" thing is hilarious to me. It's about as simple a game as you can get. Like any game there is some strategy, but it's pretty straightforward. I consider myself pretty into sports in general, and I don't even notice that baseball is going on. For all I know there are games tonight. Now if it's a Tuesday night and there's nothing else on I might put on game 7 of a World Series during dinner just to have something on. Kyler would 100% make more $$ as an NFL QB than if he decided to play in the MLB. Not that it has to be about $$ only. Plus, it would be like he disappeared. Baseball has almost zero cultural relevance outside of avid sports fans either. Everyone knows who Aaron Rodgers, Peyton Manning, John Madden, Brett Favre, Tom Brady, Josh Allen, and Patrick Mahomes are, though, even non-sports fans.
  16. Texans have an easy response: Actually Mr. Flores, Lovie Smith is actually (on paper) more qualified you: Super Bowl appearances as HC: Smith 1, Flores 0 Career winning percentage as a HC: Smith .506, Flores .490 (and that's with Lovie having 2 terrible years in Tampa to bring him down) Playoff appearances as HC: Smith 3, Flores 0 Playoff wins as a HC: Smith 3, Flores 0 Conference Title appearances as a HC: Smith 2, Flores 0 Years of head coaching experience (NFL only) as a HC: Smith 11, Flores 3 Now, it could be said that Flores has upside and Lovie is a bit of a retread, but it isn't some massive injustice that Lovie Smith was chosen over Brian Flores. Not only does Lovie have a better resume, but he also has familiarity with the players and the Church of Easterby that runs the team.
  17. Lovie is familiar with the management, team, and players having already been in Houston. He did lead Chicago to a Super Bowl as HC with a terrible QB. He's respected by players and he's a calming, even keel presence. Houston is a disaster, and they could have done much worse. Lovie Smith's record is clearly better than either Frazier or Flores. And it isn't even close. He has more wins, more years of head coaching experience, more playoff wins, and more Super Bowl and conference title appearances than Frazier and Flores combined.
  18. Hey you like what you like! 25 years from now when the Sabres rebuild is complete and we're all excited there will be a lot of "who cares about hockey?" Comments from sports fans in other cities
  19. I know, I was being sarcastic! It seems like Flores has an issue with everyone.
  20. You know, you're right... If you have a good conversation or daydream by starting off into the distance on a warm sunny day baseball isn't so bad until a foul ball smacks the deck above your head and reminds you that you're at a baseball game. Hey, I'm glad you love it! I tried, I really tried but it's mind numbingly boring. Even playing it is boring. Nothing ever happens. I don't get soccer either. To me it's watching people run back and forth for what seems like forever and even though the goal is the size of a bus nobody ever scores. That said, at least in soccer there is action, and it's fun to play, so it's miles ahead of baseball in my mind.
  21. Dolphins want us to believe that Flores had poor relationships and didn't work well with others? I can't see it.
  22. He should just retire and they could simply promote Leftwich after a quick interview. Arians has looked awful, his body is breaking down, and it's about to be a LOT less fun when you're not coaching a super team. The Rooney Rule doesn't say you can't just promote a minority coach to HC, does it? That wouldn't make much sense.
  23. That makes sense... their obsession with McCown is so bizarre... I really wanted to see it just from the pure entertainment value of watching an AFC team completely and totally implode
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