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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. I wonder though... Everything I posted was things that Flores did that many people said made no sense at the time. But maybe it was his way of trying to make that (losing) happen? He certainly didn't stand up and say something at the time. A HC "trying to lose" would actually be pretty hard to do, especially not making it too obvious. Like I said, the assistant coaches making peanuts who are trying to work their way up the ladder are not going to go along with it, nor are the players.
  2. 49ers/Rams makes a lot of sense, being a rematch of the NFC Title game, a game that will happen twice, and a nice rivalry game.
  3. But how could a HC lose a game on purpose? I listed some possible ways in my response to another poster below, but that's not Flores... Unless....
  4. LA is such a weird team on offense. They disappear for long stretches in most games I watch of theirs.
  5. I think he makes it in if he commits to it and goes 100%. If not, you're at the 2-3 yard line. Go for it on 4th down there.
  6. Being paid to throw a game... that's tough to pin down exactly. Look at Flores' case: how could HE throw a game? His players are not going to not try to win. His assistant coaches are not going to sabotage their careers. Pretty much the only thing a HC could do to try to lose would be to jerk his QB around by taking in and out of games, constantly churning through assistant coaches, doing bizarre things like hiring 2 OC to be "co offensive coordinators," alienating everyone in the building, not even communicating with his coaching staff anymore, and doing everything he could to kill the confidence of his QB... Oh wait
  7. When did tanking become a federal crime? Fraud? What fraud? Were you somehow promised in writing that your team was doing all it could to win? In that case, any team that rests its starters is breaking the law. It's a Pandora's box. And now fans are supposedly outraged? LOL Please. Fans WANT their teams to lose and get the #1 pick when they are awful. Now we're going to pretend that's not true? Just watch YouTube videos of when the Jets won to cost themselves the #1 pick. Fans were going crazy because they won and missed out on Trevuh. Weren't Sabres fans all into the tank, making it a whole event? You actually had fans cheering like crazy when the Coyotes beat the Sabres in Buffalo to keep them ahead for the best chances in that draft. Of course, we know what happened. They got the #2 pick and it was a disaster. Maybe it's Karma. I get "not coming out and saying it" but the idea of tanking (or just not going all out to win) is pretty well known and talked about often. One could argue that it's actually playing the long game to WIN BIG. If the next Peyton Manning is sitting there as a reward, and your franchise just needs to lose 1 more game to GUARANTEE the chance to draft him #1 overall, while the next guy is a tackle or something, it cannot be denied that losing that game: 1) HELPS your team get what it needs to have a chance to contend for 15+ years 2) Makes your fans happy
  8. Good thing Russell Wilson doesn't have Spain's attitude, or he could have taken to twitter after the Seattle/NE SB and said "I throw ONE interception all game and people act like NE did something!"
  9. the way NY State works they already spent that $70 million 4 times before it was earned.
  10. LA fans 5 minutes after the game ended: cool! toss it on the pile of titles! What else is on? Meanwhile, here in WNY we would remember it for the rest of our lives. You'd see people 20 years from now wearing the Bills SB champion shirts from this SB. I know I would be crying like a blubbering seal with a mixture of sheer joy, disbelief, and more sheer joy. I'll bet Rams fans high fived each other and went to the beach or something.
  11. I think a big part of the NFL's popularity is that most games are on Sundays. It allows for things like fantasy football, Sunday Ticket, Red Zone, etc. to dreally thrive because it OWNS the day and you've got fans glued to the action all day long. The more you dilute that the more it get spread out. Suddenly Sunday Ticket and Red Zone (both of which make the NFL big $$) are less meaningful because a good number of that week's games are on national TV anyway. Other sports can play all nights of the week because there are a gazillion games each season. NFL teams only play 17 games, so it's tougher to spread out without Sundays feeling light.
  12. It is eerily silent on the stadium front, which worries me. We heard a lot more a few months ago, now that their Jan 1 artificial deadline has passed it's total silence. I'm a Buffalo sports fan. If the Bills were up 18 points with 5 minutes to go in the Super Bowl I would be the guy saying "it's still only 2 TDs, 2 2 point conversions and a FG at the end...."
  13. Is it me or did it seem like Jalen Ramsey was falling down constantly and letting guys get wide open?
  14. Not at all, still love it! In fact, now that Brady isn't ruining every other super Bowl, it's a lot more fun for me. People say the Bills being in the SB would be stressful, but I don't see it that way. To me, that's fun. Rooting for your team is enjoyable and positive. With Brady and his time with the Patriots especially, it was just negative: wanting someone to lose, which is nowhere near as fun.
  15. Spain was a weird situation, almost like Feliciano. When McBeane pays a guard it's a job killer. The second a guard gets paid here his time with the team as a true contributor is just about over. It's really odd.
  16. He's only 30. IF he wants to play and be closer to home in PA, trade 2 first round picks to the Rams and consider having an unblockable monster at DT next to Ed Oliver for the next 3-4 years a great deal.
  17. People act like the Rams lit their draft picks on fire. They simply traded one asset for another. So they don't have picks, but they have stars. Stars can be traded to other teams for high picks if desired. The Rams could trade a player or two and recoup some high picks.
  18. I think that's an old picture from soon after his most recent cancer surgery. Last time I saw him making an appearance he seemed to have gained back a lot of weight and looked pretty good. That said, happy birthday to #12! Looking forward to seeing him celebrate a Bills SB win soon!
  19. First week of the playoffs had blowouts because the NFC is bad overall and only has like 2-3 good teams, IMO. Those #7 seeds making it in are tough, but oddly, I think the best possible quality team that could have been #7 in the AFC (Chargers) didn't make it in.
  20. Don't get me wrong from my post above, I'm not cheering for Mahomes or hoping he wins. I'm just saying it doesn't bother me because there is an upside to it.
  21. Oh, I agree on Brady. Enough already with that soulless ghoul! Mahomes doesn't bother me, and if the Bills aren't in the SB I hope he wins every year that we're not there. 1. I like Andy Reid 2. The more rings Mahomes gets (ONLY IF WE ARE OUT OF IT THAT SEASON) the more Brady will get to experience what it's like to be sitting on the couch while the "new GOAT" is crowned. You can be the GOAT with 4-5 rings if you ALSO retire with every single passing record, career and single season. So being a Brady hater, Mahomes doesn't bother me unless he's in our way.
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