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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Love the fans letting the refs have it
  2. Is this football anymore?
  3. The betting part makes it suspicious
  4. Roughing the passer is a ***** joke
  5. Chiefs super bowl was last week, and they served their purpose well, beating up the soulless ghoul, and dealing him a convincing loss. Today I say Go Raiders!
  6. Tomorrow it will be 70 and sunny, no wind.
  7. Falcons were down 3WR, at Tampa and their QB threw for 150 yards. And yet Brady and his Pro Bowl roster needed a total BS call to avoid giving up a 21-0 lead in the second half. Tampa's saving grace is that dog crap division
  8. Guy still has 8 Super Bowls to win and time is ticking...
  9. Ever notice that Hussey has a "nah nah" type delivery when calling out the penalties? I can't think of a way for it to come across in text, but it's unique.
  10. If that's Brady then Hamlin leaves the stadium in handcuffs... I was shocked at the no call just because it seems automatic in those instances Fake slide should be unsportsmanlike 15 yards from the place of fake slide and loss of down
  11. A lot is made about college coaches not working out, but plenty of hot shot NFL coordinators fail too, not to mention recycled good ole boys club members
  12. Well, unlike Urban Meyer he actually tried. That's all I've got
  13. Brady is great, but to beat him you have to beat him twice. That's why I can't stand him. Making a big 3rd down stop against an all time great in crunch time is hard enough. Then you get hit with DPI, defensive holding, or roughing the passer, assuming you can get away from his OL who are blatantly holding. Now you have to stop him all over again. That's Brady's entire career. Even Brady can't defend this one, saying he doesn't throw the flags
  14. Bengals could use those missing 3 points right now
  15. Over the top is good? Why?
  16. Teams need to save a 3 timeouts if they might need to come back. If Bengals don't score they can call 3 TO and almost zero time comes off the clock
  17. Looks like a TD to me
  18. In a game like this take the points.. Situation matters
  19. He spent 30 minutes with McVay once though!
  20. Boyd needs to throw that away
  21. That's proof they won't call PI every play
  22. Burrow... Lol
  23. Oh wow that was a TD!
  24. I have no rooting interest here.. just hoping for drama and the game to come right down to the end!
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