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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Oh it's total luck with no logic behind it! We've lived all over the US for our work over the past 20+ years, so just for fun I put in some of our old addresses into the Sunday Ticket streaming website to see if Direct TV would do us the immense favor of allowing us to purchase this streaming product. Some addresses that were single family homes we rented would have worked, and some not. Some apartment type buildings would have worked, some not. No logic at all. In fact, one place the house we rented came with a Dish attached, which the previous owner left when he bought a new house and rented us that one. We subscribed to Direct TV because there was no cable in that area. When I checked years later, that was one of the addresses that was "eligible" for streaming only package! LOL
  2. This is the biggest lie that Direct TV puts out there. 100% completely false. We went round and round with those idiots when we lived out of state. If they determine that your address CAN get Direct TV service (even if you live in an apartment building where you CAN'T) they will not let you sign up for streaming Sunday Ticket at any price. I even offered to just pay the Direct TV subscription rate and keep the boxes of crap in my closet since we were not allowed to install it on our high rise apartment building, not that it was even possible. No dice. The moron reading the script kept repeating that according to their records, CONGRATULATIONS! We are eligible for Direct TV service! So we couldn't just do streaming. Once we got to the manager and I explained he said we couldn't do my plan (give Direct TV free money and just not get service, just so that I could then subscribe to streaming to see the Bills games). Someone had to come install the equipment. I told them yet again: we lived in a high rise and we are not allowed to install dishes on the building. He said according to their system we were eligible for service. Such a stupid, inflexible, idiotic company. Dumber than rocks. Instead of all that $$ they got ZERO. Every time I see/hear "You now don't need Direct TV to subscribe to Sunday Ticket streaming!" I want to scream. Thank God we now live in WNY and can see the games. Yes, I know that's what they SAY and ADVERTISE. I've seen it 1000 times (even tried it!). Every time we pay our insane cable bill it warms my heart to think not a penny of that $$ is going to Direct TV. I wouldn't do business with them if they paid us to subscribe.
  3. stadium cost have gotten dumb... Check out this list: https://www.stadiumsofprofootball.com/comparisons/ Lincoln Financial Field cost $518 million. Arizona's crazy stadium with the roll out field cost $455 million. An open air stadium in the Buffalo market costs 1.4 BILLION? In 10 years a stadium will be 2+ billion at a minimum. Team costs will be 5-6 billion.
  4. I wonder how many Brady's have been missed throughout the years. Mediocre physical skills coming in. Mediocre physique coming in. Nothing special at all. Gets into Belichick's system, buys in, but still does very little for many years but rides the coattails of Belichick's defense to a lot of wins. With confidence and those wins he is now a "winner" and is able to grow as a player but also become more confident and inspire confidence in teammates. What is that same Brady was drafted by the Lions and thrown right into the starting job day 1? Same career? If not, then why? It was all Brady after all.
  5. What about Belichick's 2 SB titles with the Giants? I, like many sports fans, sat there at the end of this year's NE/TB game wide eyed as Nick Folk's kick sailed wide of the upright and said almost in awe "so it was all Brady..." Without Belichick, Brady wins 2-3 Super Bowls his entire career. Now every player in the league will take league minimum to play with Grandpa so he can have a Pro Bowl roster playing for peanuts, but that doesn't happen without all the NE success.
  6. It's amazing to me that the goal posts were ever right in the middle of the endzone. Nobody in the NFL/AFL thought that was a bad idea? Such a ridiculous design flaw, not to mention dangerous.
  7. I have a revolutionary idea for the NFL streaming package: NFL names a price. If a consumer is willing to pay that price, then the consumer can buy the product. That's the end of it. No need for 5 pages of fine print full of "yeah buts" and "if thens" I know, it's crazy!
  8. Others have answered it already, but if you take the ball 1st you're in a conundrum every 4th down, whereas the other team can play 4 down football, unless you don't score at all. There's a lot of strategy involved that makes it interesting. I could totally see the logic in taking the ball 1st, but I could also see the advantage of having it second. If I win the toss and kick, it's because I know that if you score a TD I'm going for 2 if I score a TD as well. I also have 4 downs every drive, for sure. Plus, my chances of getting 2 yards for 2 2 PT conversion with my best players are better than the chances of my exhausted defense preventing you from getting a FG (or more) on your second OT drive.
  9. That makes sense too... Actually this could get interesting. If you take the ball 1st, you would get a potential 3rd possession if both teams score a TD. However, if you don't score a TD you are on the line to get beat by 1 play. A lot depends on the type of game. If it's a KC/BUF type game then you probably take the ball 1st since defense was not being played. But it's extremely unusual to see a TD-TD-TD type game. But in most games, I would still expect teams to choose to kick, because then they know what they need to win.
  10. So no more filling out an application to see whether Direct TV deems you worthy of paying for their streaming product? SUNDAY TICKET STREAMING PACKAGE NOW AVAIALBLE WITHOUT A DIRECT TV SUBSCRIPTION! * * not really true Direct TV is easily the dumbest company I've ever dealt with. I've never seen a company work so hard NOT to take your money. So glad we're in WNY where it doesn't matter and we can just see the Bills games.
  11. Based on these new rules the coin toss winner in OT kicks every time
  12. To me, inviting assistant coaches to these league get togethers makes a lot of sense. It allows them to network and it doesn't really "cost" anything to do. So you put out a little more food at the fancy coaches breakfast. It seems like an easy win
  13. $850 million is a lot of money, but NY State would be like the 10th largest economy in the world if it were its own country.
  14. I've been searching for audio from when he went nuts about all the public money spent downstate on the Nets, Mets, Islanders, Yankees, and Rangers/Knicks deals. How could any Bills fan be unhappy? Your taxes paid aren't going to change either way. We just get to keep our team here. We pay for tons of things that we don't even know/care about.
  15. So now that the downstate baseball and basketball teams got their arenas/stadiums done with public money and it's WNYs turn we suddenly have found our moral outrage. These deals are getting done regardless so why should our community take the hit and not get the same treatment? Don't worry... They will feel really, really bad for us when the team leaves. Plus, then we'll have the extra money to build another stadium in NYC! After all, we'll have seen the damage that the Bills leaving did and we get it now and can't let that happen again. Sorry I'm not in favor of losing our team. If you argue against the deal you are arguing for the Bills to relocate. It's that simple.
  16. I guess it all depends on Brady and what he wants. If Brady wants out then there's a decent chance. Otherwise there is never even the slightest discussion or rumor/hint from a guy who obviously has some connection. As much as I can't stand the guy, the Bucs owe him an accommodation if he requests it. Plus they could probably get Tua and a high pick or just high picks and grab Mayfield. As far as Bucs players being mad... the NFL is The Tom Brady Show. Sometimes other teams get over for variety and drama, but that just adds to his story. Every hero has to fail here and there, only to prevail in the end. Without trials and struggle there is no glory.
  17. Hello! You're right of course, but Brady has tortured my soul for years now, so I always expect the worst with him (i.e. him always winning no matter what else happens). Sure, sometimes he doesn't go to the Super Bowl, that's true.
  18. I would say it's total nonsense, but the guy who reported it was the guy who knew Brady was going to Tampa when hardly anyone saw that as realistic. It's a little odd for him of all people to bring it up if he wasn't hearing something about it. I for one would love it! Better chance of a Brady free Super Bowl with him in the AFC. The NFC is basically a bye for him to the big game. As far as the "easier path" a guy like Brady wants to be where the action is, playing all the top players. These guys are just wired differently.
  19. Reminds me of an old Maddenism: "Sometimes the best move is the one you don't make" Had Urban just stayed out of the NFL he would be celebrated (right or wrong), treated like some legend, and have his ego puffed everywhere he went. PLUS he could continually turn down NFL offers and take any college gig he wanted, if he wanted. Instead, he's seen as a joke. Before nobody wanted to be the one to criticize the legendary Urban Meyer, because you'd be alone. Once it starts though people come out of the woodwork!
  20. This makes Cleveland structuring his huge deal so that his salary year 1 is like $1 million even more disgusting. That way, when/if he is suspended it barely costs him anything, since his game checks are 1/17 of around $1 million. Meanwhile he pockets a huge bonus (which can't be touched with fines). The organization might be about to see the effects of Karma
  21. It's not our money... structure the contract some crazy way and get the man a huge Brinks truck worth of money. We've got a SB to win!
  22. Rosen not only hasn't won more Super Bowls than anyone in NFL history, his job got a lot harder 2 years ago. He'd better lock down a starting job sometime very, very soon or I don't see him getting to 8 rings! As soon as I saw him trying to be Aaron Rodgers mini-me in that interview where he was counting his rings before he was even drafted I soured on him.
  23. Just gross... I'm shocked that he hasn't settled the civil suits just to make it go away. Of course, he has $230 million guaranteed so why bother?
  24. Let's not disarm like the Chiefs and Packers. I get that both teams might have been dealing with players who wanted to go from a SB contender to an also-ran, but why would we want to get rid of our best WR for draft picks that HOPEFULLY could be as good in a couple years from now and probably won't be because Diggs is a top WR in this league? I would make the decision that we are going to pay Knox and Diggs and find a way to make it work. If Oliver and Edmunds need to go next offseason or whenever due to not having $$ to extend then so be it. If I had to choose 2 between Diggs, Knox and Tre White I pick Diggs and Knox. With the rules the way they are and the game the way it is, I would prioritize surrounding Allen with weapons and protection, because the "#1 defense" couldn't stop a nosebleed in the KC game against a top offense. These top offenses have too much talent and speed.
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