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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. NFL wants a TV spectacle, and swirling snowflakes and 60,000 crazy fans braving the freezing cold in a college-like atmosphere is such a better product than watching a poorly lit game in a giant airplane hangar played on the green outdoor rug you buy at Lowes. With most of the NFL domes it's like someone said "what can we do to suck the life, soul, and passion out of this game, and make it as horrible to watch on TV as possible?" Now yes, there are the cool domes like LA and Minnesota, which apparently cost a trillion gazillion dollars now, since a fairly standard, low frills outdoor stadium in WNY of all places is over a billion, so they are out of the discussion. Plus "Buffalo weather" is mostly reputation. It could just as easily be 41 degrees and cloudy in WNY in early January, especially lately.
  2. Yup, which buys him an extra year above what he got at least, and McDermott enters the coaching pool as a fairly sought after guy and ends up somewhere else. Our record doesn't allow us to get Allen, and Beane is never the GM, since he came with McDermott basically. IMO we would have been the Texans or Alex Smith Chiefs playoff teams: decent record teams with zero chance of going anywhere.
  3. In terms of style, Tyrod was trent edwards with speed and agility. Neither one would throw the ball. Biggest difference is Tyrod could make explosive plays at times with his legs, whereas trent would throw the ball away on 4th down and shuffle off to the sidelines all giddy and without a care in the world. Tyrod had a great attitude and was a grinder. He's just not very good at being an NFL QB, which is why he has never really caught on before or after. Looks the exact same way now as he did then: some big runs, a "gamer" and a total lack of passing prowess. Tyrod happened to be the QB when Andy Dalton got the Bills to the playoffs. Look at our wildcard game against Doug Marrone and the Jaguars. Just pathetic. Calling him the "guy who broke the drought" is a little silly to me, but I get the argument I guess. BTW, Rex Ryan came very close to doing that as coach, with Tyrod as his QB. That would likely have meant no McDermott, no Allen, crazy the butterfly effect it would have had, even if Rex only kept the job an extra year or two.
  4. If Allen plays in 3 Super Bowls and wins 2 I'll be pretty happy!
  5. No worries... We have my man Jordan Phillips back at DT! The 340+ pound DT who is sometimes criticized by fans for "only getting sacks" and crushing opposing QBs like unrisen pancakes!
  6. that Browns/Panthers game, which was a total dud before, is suddenly really interesting.
  7. Jauron's brand of football was to take the mediocre roster he had and scheme up a plan where literally nothing happened. That way, you're a play or two from stealing a W. Sort of like how some NHL teams grab, hold, and don't let any actual hockey occur. Keep the score 1-0 or 1-1, get to OT, then see what happens. Maybe you get a bounce or a call. Oddly, he did have a certain degree of "success" going 7-9 repeatedly with those rosters. If anything, Jauron proved that you can kill the game of football the same way teams like Devils killed the game of hockey with their style of play. I think that's why Gailey and Fitz were so popular. They played the game at least. Neither was great, but it looked like football again and the team attempted to have an actual offense and the QB would chuck it up and let the chips fall where they may.
  8. Imagine if someone told you in 2018 that 4 years later Darnold and Mayfield would both be on the same team, competing for the starting role. The night of the 2018 draft that might have struck most fans as that GM being some sort of genius, to land BOTH these guys and let them battle it out...
  9. This sounds about right to me. I was going to post the same thing: 2 yrs, 30 million. They could guarantee a bit more given the low risk with this player. I wonder if Poyer would be more interested in guaranteed $ or total value. Maybe an extension of 2 years, 27 million but fully guaranteed gets it done. Then again, if it comes down to Davis, Knox and Poyer and you can only pay 2, then I would sadly let Poyer walk. I think we should be able to pay Knox and Poyer, then Poyer would be off the books by the time Davis is ready for his big contract.
  10. Put briefly, Bruce is the man, and he knows it and will make sure you know it too! Which is probably part of what made him such a great player and makes him such an interesting personality. He's says something like you were lucky to witness a special player (referring to himself) in pretty much any documentary on him. He's right, and it's hilarious but also true that he says that, and adds to his persona of a guy you don't want coming at you on the football field. Off the field, nicest guy you could ever meet. On the field? Bad things...
  11. For sure... I edited my post a bit and took that part out to focus on a different point but even if you love what you're doing you're nowhere near as sharp after 10 hours as during the first few. I've always wondered how much this type of schedule is really beneficial for a football coach. That said, these guys earn generational money by grinding like crazy people for a handful of years at something they are obsessed with.
  12. Good for Baker if true. He is miles better than Darnold, and Cleveland is a disaster of a franchise. Baker could very well become an established starter there and as an added bonus maybe get Tommy an extra loss this season vs. 2 guaranteed wins.
  13. Now the Flores firing makes sense. At the time, it seemed to come out of nowhere, because he seemed to be doing a pretty good job there and had the team going in the right direction. Plus they have a QB that is better than Mahomes, so they are set there too.
  14. Is there any mechanism for the Browns to get their draft picks back or get out of this contract? I would hope not, because they knew exactly what they were doing, down to the detail of structuring the deal so that it wouldn't end up costing Watson much of anything if he missed an entire year. Hard to argue that they were "taken aback" by all this. I would hope Lamar Jackson is saying to the Ravens that he'll take the Watson deal plus 10%. The idea that Watson, of all people, got such an outrageously large totally guaranteed contract is sick.
  15. Have you ever tried to stay awake for an entire baseball game? It aint easy.
  16. This is a great point as well. When you are doing something you are truly passionate about it becomes part of who you are, and you are (in a sense) never "at work" or "off work" but always on to one degree or another because it's just part of your life and being, which skews hours per week stats. Part of that is that it is hard work but doesn't feel like work, if that makes any sense. If we're awake we're doing something. These guys are just focused on that one thing, whereas someone else might work 8 hours, go home, mow the lawn, go to the store, watch TV. These guys just work on football. Either way, your mind is engaged in something, whether productive or not.
  17. If the Browns void his contract they will have given the Texans all those picks, took all the bad press, and have no QB and no draft picks
  18. Agreed.. Big Mike takes 10-6 team and makes it 8-8.
  19. Belichick, Reid and Harbaugh aren't a bad top 3, but after that it gets goofy, IMO By the time Belichick and Reid retire they could be #1 and #2 all-time in career wins.
  20. The problem with anyone defending Watson claiming people are just after his money or whatever is that you don't see it happening with other high profile players. There's a lot of big name NFL players who make a lot of $$ that you can't find anyone who will say anything negative about them off the field, much less something like Watson's accusations.
  21. These "camps" and "universities" seem to have a tremendous impact in a short period of time. Makes you wonder what they are doing that the actual position coaches league-wide aren't.
  22. Wilson's new contract will be interesting, since he's asking for 5 years, $250 million. It will be more like 5 years, 249,997,000
  23. In addition to his gross behavior, if he is suspended for this year then by the time he plays in 2023 it will have been almost 3 years since his last game. Who knows if he'll even be any good on the field. It's not implausible that almost 3 calendar years of not playing will make him less effective. Then, you've got an average QB with that ridiculous contract who is also radioactive in terms of PR.
  24. Bills vs. Chargers in the AFC Title Game this year is my prediction, so I go with the Chargers as strongest foe. Ravens will also be very good. Last year their entire team was hammered by injuries before the season even got going. Then Lamar got hurt as well. Browns are the AFC's version of the Cowboys. If the NFL were like the college system the Cowboys and Browns would be voted into the 4 team playoff every year.
  25. regardless of nicknames the Bills are the true America's team... Red, white and blue uniforms and a team that football fans love to watch with a fanbase that is a character in and of itself
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