the whole thing about WNY being so scary and awful weather is overblown, IMO
True winter here lasts from late December to early March. 3 (ish) months and change of true "winter" and even late December and early March have warmer spells where it's 50 degrees out and sunny.
Anyone who owns a snowmobile in WNY understand this well. 3-4 weeks TOPS when you can use the sled most years. and that's a few days here, a week there, in total for the whole winter. If you're lucky. Last winter it was like 2 weeks in late January/early February.
It's 60 degrees and sunny outside today, which is not too crazy for early November here.
A December Bills game is likely to be 42 degrees and grey skies. Yes, it COULD very well blizzard anytime now, but it is MORE likely to be in the 40's or 50's with gloomy skies and that signature WNY November/early December fogginess that lasts all day long.
November and early December here are a "wear a comfy hoodie, drink beer and have a BBQ" kind of vibe.