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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. I've been in the basement drinking coffee for the past 5 hours. I'M SO READY FOR TONIGHT'S GAME!
  2. There's always a bright side. Last year didn't feel like a SB winning team until the playoffs began. IMO (anyway) this roster is much improved on the DL and at WR, as well as probably punter (for what it's worth) and also special teams coverage. Also OL coach and ST coach. That, along with the young guys having another year of experience under their belts AND a healthy Tre White this time around in the playoffs it will feel right when they win it all this year! You want Tre White playing in the Super Bowl!
  3. Well, screen passes and Belichick's defense were certainly amazing to watch! I will fully admit to being firmly in the Brady hater club, but for the reasons I mentioned above. Him being on a team that always beat the Jauron/Losman Bills teams or the Jauron/trent teams doesn't move the needle. But I should be more positive so I'll say what I looking FORWARD to, rather than just negative stuff, so... So here goes some positive/looking forward type thinking: What I look forward to is watching a broken down version of Brady struggling to make it through the season and looking miserable all year! That wasn't as hard as I thought!
  4. I finally figured out why Brady bothers me so much. It has nothing to do with his Patriots teams beating the drought era Bills teams in meaningless games. It's that he was a doughy, unathletic nothing who evolved into a scrawny nonathletic robot with no personality, no charisma, no real "wow" factor to his game other than always being on the winning team, getting 100% of the credit, and somehow lasting FOREVER. He made a career out of throwing 5 yard screens and slants to RB's or 5'8'' WR's who made the catch and ran for 10-15 yards before anyone touched them. Then the GOAT GOAT GOAT crap started simply because this little freak seemingly will play forever. I like great players generally. If it were Peyton Manning winning 7 Super Bowls and still slinging it as "the Sherriff" at age 45 that would be amazing to watch. Or the old gunslinger Favre out there jumping around and chucking bombs and winning at age 45. Even guys like Lamar Jackson, Patrick Mahomes, if it was them it would be "wow, these guys are just freaking amazing!" I guess what it comes down to is that Brady has zero athleticism, zero personality and looks like a suburban soccer parent rather than an NFL player. And yet it's HIM who is still around, like a cockroach, and not one of the guys who actually played the game and had real physical skills.
  5. Questions about practice squad players: 1. Do they travel with the team? 2. Do they attend home games? 3. Will they get Super Bowl rings if the Bills win it all? 4. Would they be able to be on the sideline for the Super Bowl/playoff games? I tried looking this up, but all I'm finding is poorly written articles that contradict each other.
  6. I looked him up on Spottrac, and he's made over $27 million in his career, and he's 36, soon to be 37 in a few months. If he wants to sit around, not get paid, and wait for the Titans to (maybe) call then it's his choice to make! Maybe he's just comfortable, has plenty of money, and doesn't want to start bouncing around the league every year or two.
  7. I could see it being somewhat of a bummer, but he's earned close to a million dollars over 6 years playing football in the NFL, and even got to play in a few regular season games. That's just so far! In a way, he's had a nice career as a guy on the edge of the roster.
  8. He'll be on Tampa for like a 6th round pick
  9. I have always enjoyed listening to Howard Simon in the mornings. He just seems friendly, which is a lost art that modern DJ's or talk hosts seem to lack. I was thinking about this the other night listening to a local radio station... A really good DJ (or in this case talk host) makes such a difference for the experience of the listener and it's becoming such a lost art in the current age of louder, more shocking, more stupid. Your listeners don't want to feel attacked or put down, nor do they want their blood pressure to double. Some of these young guys are terrible to listen to, and are obviously being taught poorly. Nate Geary is the one (I think) who sometimes does mornings when Jeremy or Howard is out, and oh my god is it terrible... Talks over the other host, never stops for a second, and seems like he's just trying to get as much on tape as possible. It's hard to listen to. It's like he's paid by the word. A good DJ or good talk host is one who feels like listening to a friend, even if you disagree sometimes or get annoyed sometimes, and even if it's not for everyone. You have an audience, and you connect with that audience. I always loved Art Bell's show, for example. It felt like a community, like you were listening to the show with a bunch of other people (which of course you are literally) but it felt like a conversation. Anyone who is really into radio knows what I mean by that. Too many people on the radio today are about rants and monologues and trying to be over the top, which has its place from time to time, but as a default approach is not fun to listen to. Plus your audience is just sitting there, listening to an angry person or hyper person rant and rave. I know that works for some, but even then, it's really very very few who can pull that off AND have it work. You'd think being a DJ is easy: you just play music. But it's what you play, when, in what order, and how you slip stories about the musicians or concerts in between, and maybe a bit of a persona you have that differentiates you from others, but isn't overboard. I think it's the same for sports talk (or any talk). It's way more than just talking about sports on the radio, and it's a lot harder to be good at that many realize. IMO Howard is a true pro.
  10. Part time QB... This little prick is like a villain in a horror film. I fully expect him to be better than ever and show that a QB can skip out on training camp and be a part time QB and still win. He'll come back, do the "golly gee, why is everyone asking about little old me?" Routine and everyone will gush about how genuine, wonderful and wholesome he is. In a just world he would look like last year's Big Ben. Old tired and done.
  11. maybe they are pumping Tua up to trade him player for player for Brady, then Gronk comes out of retirement and signs there.
  12. If Benford really is playing that well, then that's great news! Elam will be fine. Then we have a deeper group at DB, which is huge for the defense. Overall this draft looks very promising, IMO.
  13. He got paid (a lot) for each game so it was not a suspension. Lest we not forget, it was WATSON who said before this all broke that he would never play a game for the Texans again. Then all this stuff came out, and they were stuck
  14. 11 games makes sense, as it makes the Browns/Bucs game easier for Brady. As far as Watson goes, I never saw him as a true top QB, and that was before he missed and will end up missing the better part of 2 straight seasons. He might come back and just be decent, which would be karma for the Browns.
  15. Having gone through the "this is really serious this time guys, something is going on with Brady" or "he really is in decline" storyline before, I fully expect the outcome to be the following: 1. It's the Masked Singer, and afterward all the Bucs guys laugh at how dumb we all are for believing the "pray for him" comments 2. He is the greatest Masked Singer guest ever and gets universal praise 3. Week 1, during the introductions Stone Cold Steve Austin's music hits at Jerry World and out comes Stone Cold's monster truck. Suddenly Ryan Jensen hops out of the passenger seat totally healthy with no knee injury at all, slams 2 beers at once with Stone Cold, then heads to the star at midfield and gives the stone cold stunner to Dak Prescott. 4. For the entire game the supposed home town crowd chants "Jensen! and Brady!" in alternate chants 5. Brady throws for 450 yards and 5 TD in a 20+ point blowout win. 6. At the end he does the "aww shucks, golly gee" act when interviewed and the commentators gush about how incredible, amazing, and wonderful he is.
  16. The thing that has set Brady apart is being an obsessed roided up cyborg with no soul and no purpose outside of football. If he decides to be a part time QB and.play on the weekends for fun at age 45 it's going to be a lot of fun to watch
  17. The biggest game that Manning and Brady could face off in was the afc title game. Highest stakes, biggest moment possible for that rivalry. Manning, the guy who "couldn't winnthe big game" was 3-1 in those meetings, or 75% win percentage. There are no yeah buts.
  18. Rams looked like they were about to win a blowout in the SB. Then the injuries started. If Burrow had another 1-2 seconds and saw Chase wide open on that 4th down at the end of this SB then the Bengals are World Champs. Just have to get into that game, and anything truly can happen. A timely penalty, a guy falling down, a bounce here or there and your entire legacy changes.
  19. I feel like there was a story about a team giving a player a case of fancy wine or something like that and they had to charge its value against the cap. I'll try to find it
  20. architects and engineers can do incredible things, if you're willing to pay the $ Your imagination is pretty much the limit
  21. Ohhhh Well WE DO! (Inspired by watching Kingpin last night)
  22. Everyone says you don't need a dish and can just stream Sunday ticket but that's not true. They will check your address and if they decide you can get a dish (their call) you're SOL. Wherever they go it should be no additional hardware required. Just pay money and get product. Like every other sports league.
  23. Rosen did say he was going to win more Super Bowls than Brady, so I'm not sure Cleveland is the place for him.
  24. 80,000 seat capacity back then. 75,141 attended, which would be among the biggest crowds in the NFL today. "failed to sell out" while true is also misleading. People act like there were 40,000 people there because of the weather.
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