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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Totally unnecessary hit.. OK I guess not punting on 1st down was a good call!
  2. The most interesting part of this game is how nasty the fans could get
  3. Fans were booing then came the blocked FG! Lol
  4. The Sheriff should suit up and play all time QB
  5. We ran into Losman once at the art gallery on one of the free Friday night events they did (maybe they still do, not sure). He actually held the door for us going in and we saw him inside later and chatted for a few minutes about the art, never mentioned football. Mostly we didn't want to bother him but he started the conversation by mentioning something about the exhibit we were all looking at. He was a super nice guy and seemed very intelligent too. I knew a few people who were friends with him and all said he was a really cool dude.
  6. Lots of guys "almost fumble" or "almost don't make the catch" or "almost miss the block" every week. He recovered and went down right away, which was smart.
  7. He was a very good player here. Congrats to him!
  8. I'd rather Saleh sticks around as long as possible! GO JETS this week
  9. I wonder if the split is WHY he came back, not the other way around. If something was going on last spring, then they have a huge fight and decide to split, maybe he was looking at no wife and no football come this fall and just couldn't deal with losing both at once. IMO he looks different this year, but I just assumed it was to torture me when he suddenly becomes amazing in January and wins yet another Super Bowl when it looked like he was done for real this time. But aside form the Chiefs game where they just dropped back into a prevent and let him pass to his roster of Pro Bowl WR with little resistance because they were up by so much, he hasn't looked good, and now he has an injured rotator cuff.
  10. Colts being so bad. Really thought that was a tough team. Lions being such an offensive juggernaut
  11. I wouldn't bet on it but I wouldn't be shocked either.
  12. I get the sentiment but they're like this every year. Same deal last year and they were one easy int that was dropped from being in last year's super bowl
  13. 49ers are the reverse Titans to me Always counted out, barely make the playoffs, have a QB they keep trying to get rid of, all of a sudden they're in the NFC title game
  14. True... But in one his vaunted offense scored 3 pts and in the other it took a ticky tack DPI to beat the Bengals... So many games it just doesn't look right... Like every first down is a battle. Maybe I just don't see their monster offensive games... That's possible.
  15. It's weird... Even in the Super Bowl pre OBJ injury. It just feels like 3 tds is an incredible feat for them, yet McVay is talked about like he's the offensive version of Belichick. That's Reid, imo.
  16. I don't get the McVay hype... Every time I see the Rams everything looks so hard for them on offense
  17. I'm a huge Singletary fan. The guy has an amazing work ethic, never stops trying to get better, and even hired a speed coach to try to get faster. He makes plays every week for us on offense, both catching and running. He has elite elusiveness and a good burst. It's the lack of top end speed that keeps him from being great, but IMO he is a very good back. He'll never be a top RB in the NFL for that reason, but he has a lot of value and does a lot of things well. It should be Singletary as #1 and Cook as #2, with the hope being that those roles switch but both are here long-term.
  18. defense is missing two stud DT's, our best CB and a surprisingly good rookie CB (Benford) I just have a feeling that Oliver or Phillips is going to make the play that seals our SB win!
  19. Elam has done very well I think. Now imagine White, Elam and Benford all healthy at one time on the field...
  20. It's weird because they obviously liked him a lot to draft him in the 2nd round but they seem to have zero faith in him or any type of desire to make him a focal point. Last night the Chiefs had that Rutgers guy who was a 7th rounder gashing the Bucs defense and ripping off 5 yards every time he touched the ball. Cook needs to be a focal point of our running game, or else why the heck did they spend a 2nd round pick on him? I'm hoping he's just ramping up, but the idea that Zach Moss brings more to the table is insane. Singletary is shifty and makes moves and has shown an ability to make plays with the ball. Moss just hasn't, aside from one run against the Dolphins. Moss is their guy, but so is Cook obviously!
  21. Gabe is still hurt. Once he is 100% you'll see a big difference. He is obviously not the same guy right now. Best wishes to Crowder for a speedy recovery. Sucks to hear more injury news like this
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