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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. If that's Brady then Hamlin leaves the stadium in handcuffs... I was shocked at the no call just because it seems automatic in those instances Fake slide should be unsportsmanlike 15 yards from the place of fake slide and loss of down
  2. A lot is made about college coaches not working out, but plenty of hot shot NFL coordinators fail too, not to mention recycled good ole boys club members
  3. Well, unlike Urban Meyer he actually tried. That's all I've got
  4. Brady is great, but to beat him you have to beat him twice. That's why I can't stand him. Making a big 3rd down stop against an all time great in crunch time is hard enough. Then you get hit with DPI, defensive holding, or roughing the passer, assuming you can get away from his OL who are blatantly holding. Now you have to stop him all over again. That's Brady's entire career. Even Brady can't defend this one, saying he doesn't throw the flags
  5. Bengals could use those missing 3 points right now
  6. Teams need to save a 3 timeouts if they might need to come back. If Bengals don't score they can call 3 TO and almost zero time comes off the clock
  7. In a game like this take the points.. Situation matters
  8. He spent 30 minutes with McVay once though!
  9. That's proof they won't call PI every play
  10. I have no rooting interest here.. just hoping for drama and the game to come right down to the end!
  11. Good game so far! Imo it totally broke Matt Ryan
  12. Stand down boys, it's the Goats last ride... Only hope is Tampa not getting the #1 seed.
  13. I almost expect the NFL to say "it's just the Falcons..."
  14. That sucks... He's been looking good for them. Yup. Looks like someone who knows someone bet a boatload of money on the Bucs and got scared. If that is roughing the passer then every sack is roughing the passer. As a guy who cannot stand the soulless demon, I care about 2 main things: #1 no Brady in the super bowl. #2 Brady not breaking single season passing records that Manning set. So today doesn't really matter but still...
  15. If anyone hasn't seen it they need to. Those same words have been typed a hundred times over the demon's career, but this is by FAR the worst. It was a simple wrap up tackle! Only explanation that makes sense is a crooked ref.
  16. Rams are a wimpy team outside of Donald.. Just seem nervous and soft Well today the refs literally robbed them. It isn't your normal 50/50 roughing the passer. It was a simple tackle. Tons of people who cover the NFL, including some we'll known names, are weighing in calling it the worst call they've seen in years. But overall I agree! Atlanta is a weird team this year... They seem awful yet are always close in the end. If there is any good news it's that Brady and his Pro Bowl roster needed one of the most blatantly crooked calls in NFL history to beat the lowly Falcons at home
  17. Hate that Arizona wants to look just like Atlanta uniform wise .. You're the Cardinals! Your color is red!
  18. I would think he waits until Thanksgiving at least A lot can still happen Every replay I see of the refs stepping in to hand Brady the game is worse than the last... I hope it's a major topic all week. That ref who threw the flag needs to be suspended. With betting being legal and one flag able to decide a game...
  19. Awesome win! Best way to stop Allen is to give up 30+ points so that he heads to the bench early!
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