I don't feel the same inevitability with the Chiefs as with NE. They have flaws on defense and their system (as great as it is) is prone to someone drawing up a great defensive game plan and forcing their defense to win/save games.
Rings aside, which are as much a team accomplishment as an individual, I am one who still says Manning was a better QB than Brady.
Brady had better defenses and an all-time great HC. Manning had soft defenses and aside from a few years with Dungy, mediocre to poor coaches.
Patriots were the "unsexy team" who won dirty, dug deep into the playbook (and rule book), cheated when necessary, but would claw, scratch, bite or cheat their way to wins. Colts were the flashy "nobody can stop this team!" offense that once it hit bad weather and top defenses had issues, and couldn't rely on running the ball or playing defense.
Most telling is when the Patriots and Brady became the super-charged Colts-like team, they lost TWICE to Eli Manning and the Giants.