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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Many years ago, Jeremy White on WGR used to frequently talk about "the fun police" when those dreadful Bills teams would win a game or two but fans would say "yeah, but..." and not buy into it. We all remember the arguments "look, Jauron is 5-1. Scoreboard." vs "Jauron is a fraud and the record won't hold up" I just thought the phrase was funny sounding, and needed a screen name, and now I'm just used to it.
  2. AB trolling Tommy is hilarious and also shows how shallow Tommy's "friendships" really are. It's all about TB12 and his legacy, and all these guys he recruits are there to serve him and elevate him. Because at the end of the day, it is always and forever ALL BRADY! Gronk retires because he is tried of hurting his back and doesn't want to be in a wheelchair when he's 45. Brady still is trying to get him to come back. For Gronk, who is totally happy and healthy? No, for TB12. When Malcom Butler was coached up for that Super Bowl, put in the exact right place and made that INT to win the SB vs Seattle? ALL BRADY! When the perfect blitz was called and Matt Ryan was hit and fumbled and the defense recovered to set up the Patriots offense for an easy score to draw closer in the ATL/NE SB? ALL BRADY! When the Bucs won the SB because Mahomes was running for his life with a broken foot behind a patchwork OL and his WR dropped every other pass that he threw? ALL BRADY! When the Bucs offense stinks and the QB misses easy throws, is afraid to get hit, and is 1 game ahead of the Panthers, who just steamrolled them? All, oh wait, that's is everyone else's fault! When it comes to AB, it just goes to show: Brady will do absolutely ANYTHING and associate himself with anyone to win. He even brought that headcase into his home and around his family. I think Tommy is one of those people who don't get life. Giselle played the mom role and the wife role I bet, basically taking care of everything so Tommy could live in his fantasy world of the NFL and give zero thought or care to anyone or anything else.
  3. I think he's playing injured but we'll never know until after the season. He played his entire first year there with a torn MCL
  4. Wouldn't be the first time! That would be too much to ask but so, so enjoyable. If Arians was HC maybe but Brady runs that team now.
  5. I don't want to fall into the normal Brady is done trap but I'm starting to believe that!
  6. Ewww... No we need to enjoy every minute of this!
  7. Good lord... How the hell did these guys beat Tampa? I mean, I'm so happy they did but they're terrible. This game will be over by halftime
  8. Plus the guy has like 3.5 games worth of action left until his next season ending injury so they need to budget those carries
  9. Brady is the only great player I absolutely loathe. Entitled POS who has been totally phony, gotten every break, and has been caught cheating twice. Kicks players who sack him. Kicks defenders when he used to scramble and slide. Most of all, he's supposedly SOLELY responsible for the Patriots dynasty. I could go on and on. When it comes to everyone else, I enjoy seeing greatness and we just might be watching the early years of an all time great career in Allen!
  10. I saw somewhere that Allen had the most RTP penalties called in his favor over the past few years. That's good. Gotta protect America's QB!
  11. 100% Bills and Chiefs will be having heavyweight battles for years.
  12. Tommy's battered old bones have to be ready for a Thursday night game vs the Ravens, who can hit the QB. Although the tweet is a parody account I do think Tommy's crappy mood is carrying over to the team.
  13. 49ers got that dawg in them... Plus talent everywhere. Dangerous team once they're healthy, which has been the big issue
  14. 100% LOVED that Panthers win! Even in my most fevered anti Brady daydreams I didn't see Tampa losing to the Steelers and Panthers back to back! Just wish the Saints had another win or two because of that division. Also, Bruce Arians is underrated. Dude was great everywhere he went but Tommy didn't like someone yelling back.
  15. Love that Atlanta scored because then Bengals will keep throwing. I want to see how many yds Burrow can throw for today
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