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Everything posted by TroutDog

  1. Interesting question as they won’t have many upcoming pressing contacts for the younger guys. May want to start locking guys like T White down but they could also roll it over until the following year. It’ll be interesting to see how they play their cards.
  2. I vividly recall this. This happens frequently in the military when people lock their knees while standing at attention. At the time, the team doc made clear he had the flu and was dehydrated. Could have been cover but having seen Bruce in person many times, I believed him. Thurman? Not so much. Saw him verbally b*tch slap two kids looking for autographs and my respect instantly fell. That was at Bruce’s golf tournament in Virginia. Andre was with him and said, “Come on, man.”
  3. I agree, Shaw: it should be an entertaining year. I still think we need some more depth in some spots but we are closer than we’ve been in a significant amount of time! I trust the leadership and firmly believe Josh and Tremaine are the true QB’s of the O and D respectively. However we end up this year (and I believe we will do very well), the trajectory is, finally, right!
  4. Beane has specifically mentioned that this is a factor.
  5. It was a great article. With all the pain of cut down day, I choose to look at the positives: this regime has nearly built the team they want and that makes the decisions all the harder. By next year we will be well positioned for a run assuming Josh continues his forward momentum (and I believe he will).
  6. Can’t these threads just be shut down? This is out of hand. Everyone should go read the terms of being a member here.
  7. As Lawrence Taylor famously said in ‘The Water Boy’, “Don’t smoke crack!” You may want to check it out. ?
  8. Department of Redundancy Department, how can I help you? ?
  9. Beane has proven masterful in getting something in return for what appears to be nothing. The cat is slick. ?
  10. In my opinion, their hesitation allowed them to also get Edmunds in the first as well. Their reasons for holding are well stated in the article. They played their cards right and it looks like they got an OQB and DQB all in one draft. Beane has proven, over two drafts now, that he is willing to deal when appropriate. At that time, knowing what he knew, it wasn’t the correct time. Obviously, he was correct: the Jets were already at 3 and he worked it after that.
  11. ESPN is not what it used to be but they do create some incredible in depth shows. It may be different but it’s still valuable, in my opinion. Regular Sunday watching: nope. But for in depth shows, yup.
  12. I prefer the first half/second half threads to the seven, eight or nine that were created. Just a thought. Much more to read through but also up to speed.
  13. They have to be forward thinking here knowing that this is Zo’s last year. Somebody else has to stick or be labeled as another position to protect the continuity, in my opinion.
  14. Those who fear injury get injured. He’s a football player and should play smart football while being coached appropriately. Yes.
  15. They offer a week free: give it a shot. While I agree with what you wrote about this sample, the Bills beat reporters are phenomenal.
  16. I believe he has been given the talent to make the playoffs. I don’t want him to be gone, under almost any circumstances, but not making it would be a major disappointment.
  17. Here is what was said about McDermott (who was in the second tier out of four): Sean McDermott, Bills: He’s shown the ability to do more with less — specifically on the defensive side of the ball. The Bills went 9-7 in McDermott’s first season, and last year the defense was No. 2 in efficiency even though Buffalo ranked 26th in terms of cap dollars committed to that side of the ball. How can the Bills get back to the postseason? Either Josh Allen has to take a significant step forward or McDermott’s defense has to be even better than it was in 2018. I would agree, given the first two years. With that being said, I grasp what they were doing in years one and two (definitively playing the long game) and have full faith in the duo of McDermott and Beane moving forward. Stoked to be a Bills fan again! https://theathletic.com/1149751/2019/08/22/nfl-coach-confidence-scale-how-should-the-32-fan-bases-feel-going-into-2019/
  18. I was a road-warrior today and listened to parts. He is just gross. It is possible to have an opinion and not be rude to someone who has an opposing opinion. His argument of JA’s stats is technically correct but leaves out the fact of who the receivers were, how the line performed, drops, etc. I’m not offering an excuse for JA, but if you’re a media personality, you would think you’d want to paint the entire picture and add in how he’s performing this year.
  19. It was clearly meant in jest. Love the guy to pieces and so glad he’s a Bill...but he’s still fugly! ?
  20. Not a chance in hell, but reality is a b*tch! ? Reminds me of Talley ‘beauty’!!!!
  21. From what’s been stated here, he cannot.
  22. Not sure if I’m the first to say it but, two things: 1. Edmunds is exciting to watch now but... 2. DAMN he’s ugly! Had to say it. ?
  23. Other than the fact he can’t be signed this year????
  24. This has been a fun game from first team to now. Can we ask for more? Such a sea change from previous years!
  25. I disagree: as a Bama Dad (four of my kids and nephews have gone there), he was a completely different runner then. I don’t miss Bama games.
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