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Everything posted by TroutDog

  1. This is soooooo classic! Glad he can take it all in stride and have fun with it. ?
  2. @Bandito Do you read this board much? People have said to me they have PTSD from the last 20 years. They think this team is like all of the others...they’re NOT! With that said, I take the point and recognize that many cannot view the reality of a sports team in terms of different year, different team, different management, etc. This is gonna be one hella game!!!!
  3. I know, I know. I gotta tell you, since I started treatment, I can’t do it anymore. Just can’t handle the cold. I can tell you this, too: I am LOUD so I’ll be missed!!!! ? Actually, they may hear me in Buffalo from the east side of Rochester!!!!
  4. Weather. Plus, most think we will lose. I don’t! ?
  5. Singletary, McKenzie and Foster off the edge... ?
  6. Neither are the Bills, in my opinion. In the last two weeks they have hung a significant number of points on highly ranked NFL defenses. Have they simplified? Yup. Is that backyard? Whatever you want/need to call it is fine with me but it is currently yielding results in the NFL. ?
  7. David, put down the crack pipe and move away from the keyboard. What a joke.
  8. Ummm, no. Go back to Google and look again. ?
  9. Thanks a lot, OP: now we know what the entire pregame programming is gonna be about. ?
  10. Ok, thanks. Its because he’s from there and they would probably allow the GOAT to mentor there.
  11. If he goes anywhere, it would be to the 9ers. I question if he’s enjoying the game anymore (as discussed in another thread).
  12. Classic TBD knee jerk reaction!
  13. He was absolutely, in my opinion, a HOF’er on Teams. The guy was a monster and absolutely changed games with his coverage ability. He HAMMERED people. The HOF is designed to showcase the best of the best in football. He was as much a game changer as Guy...who is in already. Tasker deserves to wear a gold jacket.
  14. I vehemently dislike this as I would rather them show who they are on the field. It has a feeling of being ‘unprocessy’. With that being said, I harken back to when I was their age (I’m 49...almost 50) and remember a younger me. I get it. ? Have fun, men!!!
  15. While we’re talking about all the national haters, how about the haters on THIS BOARD!!!!!!???? Fire Daboll, Josh sucks, no number one WR, McD sucks, blah, blah. Over reactions to the hilt. For once can we stand back and simply enjoy a dominating victory? Third in a row for those not paying close attention. ?
  16. Smoke discussed this one One Bills Live yesterday (Monday). He said they have been practicing this exact scenario. I’m glad they did!!! ?
  17. Yup, they should beat the Cowboys, Jets and have a shot at the pats***. To be frank (not that I’m Frank...ok, you get what I mean ?), there is zero reason they should lose to ANY of the teams looking forward as they are coming in to their own now. As I’ve said ad nauseum, I love where this organization is headed, regardless of what happens this year. Anything that happens NOW is simply icing on the cake.
  18. I loved when we signed Trent and thought he would light it up this year (given the length of time to come back from knees). He hasn’t. it wasn’t a terrible signing, in my opinion, it just didn’t work out. Time to move forward.
  19. You have ZERO idea how mad it made me to have to put my glasses back on to read this!!!!! ? This is my point!!!!!!!!! When will we all being to expect what should be done to actually be done? Because they’re doing it now: fixing the errors of the past while making STEPS towards the future. That’s the LONG GAME. Apologies for type-o’s and if I’m incoherent... I literally just took my treatment and I’m done for the night. ? GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. You’re missing the point...and you’re entitled to do so. ?
  21. Shady is underperforming Singletary at this stage whilst on the stage with one of the premier offenses in the NFL. He is an exceptionally impressive RB but when you factor in his contract and what he delivers, it made ZERO sense to keep him while working the long game.
  22. I’m not sure what you’re driving at here. My point wasn’t Frank was replacing Shady but that our run game would still be solid... Of course! But that’s my point: he is here not to break a long ball but to dig out the small yards AND, most importantly, teach the young’uns...which he is.
  23. Just wondering: there were a number of people around here saying how STUPID this organization is for getting rid of Shady and his contract: where ever have they gone????? ?
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