In 1986 (or so), Bon Jovi opened for Judas Priest at what was then known as The War Memorial in Rochester. I was there, in the front (of course) and here’s my memory of when Bon Jovi played:
The bassist comes up close to the crowd and the guy directly to my left (if you lived then, you know him: t-shirt cut off at the shoulders, jeans and, of course, long hair in the back (think @Virgil picture but not that crazy)), hocks the biggest loogie I’ve ever seen and hits him right below his bottom lip. It was so full of mucous and snot that it just stayed there, dangling (in his tickler) for the ENTIRE song. It eventually was hanging six inches or more, going back and forth as he ‘rocked out’.
While there were a few Bon Jovi songs I liked, I could never listen without thinking about this day.
With all of that being said, Jon Bon Jovi can suck it...the way the ROC told him to way back when!!!!!!!! 😃