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Everything posted by TroutDog

  1. This seems odd: most pro players who have a scope to fix a meniscus are typically our for four weeks or so. Three to four months is more typical of one of us dealing with this.
  2. I’m pleased about this. The entire situation seemed strange to me as he’s a solid member of the line and they need to put their best out there.
  3. Agreed. That’s why it’s such a shame when we see these guys get hurt. Better players in the league makes for better football...and that doesn’t even bring up the fact that these guys are human beings playing a game, essentially, for our pleasure.
  4. ESPN does still create some very solid long form pieces that I enjoy. The pre and post game shows are poor at best.
  5. Happy Thanksgiving 🍽🦃🍁!!!!! So very thankful that we are all one day closer to the craziness that COVID has wrought being over...and this board and our Buffalo 🦬 Bills!!!🏈
  6. Loved Van! That’s some solid lip syncing! 😃 Thanks for sharing!
  7. Absolutely nothing makes me happier in this board than seeing a ‘half glass full’ person. Thank the Lord!!!!!!!
  8. He WAS a game changer as evidenced by this post (thank you!). It is simple to default to what ‘we’ (as fans) see along with the stat sheet, but much more difficult to see the film and understand what was actually supposed to happen. Biscuit changed everything. What he did or did not do off the field is not a part of the discussion here. If you wish it to be, that’s fine, but that’s not the measuring stick. Football is a sum of its parts and he was an absolutely critical part. PUT HIM IN.
  9. I’d respectfully disagree. These guys are professionals and they know how to catch in a snow storm. In addition, they are now accustomed to playing in cold weather. With that being said, I want a snow game and would expect the Bills to perform in solid fashion. I only wish fans would be there.
  10. Dane is looking to be like a steal based on his draft position. Clearly outplayed Norman.
  11. The pictures in the Bills app shows Christian Wade going with them: do PS players normally travel?
  12. ‘Nuance’ isn’t included in statistical science. Just saying. 😃
  13. I agree. Statisticians are an interesting breed. Dealing with them when I’m doing budgets is particularly interesting as they base their view of what I will do across the entire organization (this is in my last life). I consistently outpaced the many but that was never factored in. I fought it tooth and nail to no avail. That’s just the way they work...and I understand it...but don’t agree with it.
  14. You said it. I had high hopes for Nsekhe but his injury history makes him suspect for full time duty.
  15. Class that goes so deep it’s incredible. On top of that, a commitment to his game, his team and the city/region/Bills Mafia. There’s no one I’d rather root for.
  16. Yo, brother, don’t make me post a picture of my spine and the titanium in it!!!! Preaching to the choir! That does not change the fact that others are underserved also. Hell, I could tell you stories from this morning dealing with the VA and their ineptitude.
  17. I have zero idea what the contact will look like but I know this: Josh should take what he can get when he can get it. If he factors into that a ‘discount’ to allow himself better protection and better receivers, so be it. Here’s what I do ‘know’: he is the right QB for this team and this city/region//Bills Mafia Nation. He is absolutely worth keeping. I, for one, love the ‘kid’. His heart is steel and his will is even harder (TM). He is driven like very few others. People talk about his ‘ceiling’. F**k ceilings!!!! He doesn’t see one so why should we???? Because of national pundits? I don’t think so. He is the right man for the right job and let’s see how it plays out.
  18. Watched it! A few thoughts: First, @YoloinOhio: thanks as I never would have seen it otherwise. Second: I always root for young people getting a chance and I know Maddie studies as it’s obvious from what she brings up...just seems in slow motion to me. She needs to work on delivery. Third: Larry Fitzgerald. Wow, class act, through and through...and further. A consummate professional. His work with the underserved community (which I am not a part of) and his work with veterans (which I am a part of) speaks volumes to me. I like, most, on how he touched on looking for similarities instead of differences. Really powerful. So many fall into the trap of ‘’He’s a Democrat’ or she’s a ‘Republican’ instead of recognizing that we’re all American! It’s not us vs. them!!!!!!! That’s big media owning our minds and splitting us when we need to come together. OK, I’m done and the soap box is put away. At any rate, it’s worth watching.
  19. Nailed it, Augie. The writing was on the wall there, even if Brady stayed. There was no money to pay anyone even before the opt outs. Brady knew what he had last year (nothing) and knew this year would be worse. Also, I’m sure he’s aware of the Brady vs BB talk and saw his chance. If that’s so, he was correct...and I don’t blame him.
  20. He’s going to be special. I’m also excited for Hodgins to see some action. Kid is a big target.
  21. I KNEW there was a reason we selected the noodle arm! It was the ‘J’!!!!! 😃
  22. Who cares? This is the point in the game where we’ll all run and pee waiting for the Bills to finish their beat down to bring the championship home!!!!!
  23. All the ‘love’ talk speaks to the culture of the organization and it’s important. With that being said, it has been addressed so should be left alone by the media in my opinion. As for not asking the ‘right’ questions, I’m not sure all of the media actually know what to ask. They’re good at writing but not so much interviewing.
  24. Always fun to reminisce, but Josh is the REAL DEAL and this play cemented it for me. So many great plays from my time as a Bills fan since the early ‘70’s, but I am in the here and now and that is Josh. Through and through. Team needs to be lifted up? Sure! Put them ALL on my back!!! 😃
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