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Everything posted by TroutDog

  1. I made the mistake of tuning in to ESPN this morning. They were talking about a kicker who missed a few kicks and Wrecks said that was the reason he was out in Buffalo in two years. Seriously? Throwing Carpenter under the bus all these years later on national television? He is pathetic. Truly.
  2. Yup. Told a business mentor last night (who’s a ‘Boys fan) that Josh is at his best in big games...especially nationally televised games. Man he’s good.
  3. I’ll have to watch the All-22 but it looked to me as though he slipped as a result of the push. A number of Steelers players slipped last night (including on Diggs’ TD).
  4. I didn’t step into here knowing the negativity will rule. Clearly I was correct. UGH.
  5. I’m aware of all of that. My point is he didn’t have that top QB play and, thus, production. It made him recognize, in my opinion, it’s not all about him.
  6. How does one find these things? Man I’m out of touch! 😃 Loved it, by the way.
  7. This is what I had wanting to say all day while I was at work doing...ya know...work. BB will find a QB (he got Cam this year for nothing) and has tons of cap space next year. In addition, the Covid guys come back (I know Cam was poor initially but he has improved and they are making some noise now). The argument about the Pats*** losing their luster for FA’s is fair but, for me, I believe it will take more than one year of being a non-contender for that to be a factor. While I’m still not convinced that BB is great in the draft, I do know he always finds players willing to play for less than what they can earn elsewhere and, again, I don’t see that changing next year. I hope I am wrong...but we’ll know more by next June.
  8. Other than the Jags, all are distinctly possible, if not probable.
  9. Thank God. I was actually kind of nervous that he would go to a large market team.
  10. KC does it...and pays Mahomes. Not disagreeing with you but where there’s a will there’s a way.
  11. My Lord that’s a terrible movie!!!
  12. Not too far fetched as the D is peaking at the right time. Once we get Smoke back, it’s a real possibility. In addition, I believe the players and the organization as a whole learned a significant amount last year during the end of year skid.
  13. That’s a great catch...and probably why there isn’t a diva in the group.
  14. I so wish they’d switch to the white face masks all the time. Very clean look. Pitt ‘color rush’? More like a ‘color drain’. 😃
  15. Hmmmm...don’t think that would work but for these defenseless players, something does need to be done for career ending injuries (which that clearly was). Personally, I’d hit the offenders pocket book harder via long suspensions to lower the possibility of it happening with any frequency.
  16. No, not at all! I agreed but was also trying to make the point that he has indeed improved across many aspects of his game so it’s not all on the weapons...it’s a combination. Apologies if I came across poorly...wasn’t my intent.
  17. Agreed...it is a team sport, after all. But it does say quite a bit about Josh, also. He has clearly improved in every facet of his game including: Reading defenses Going through his progressions Accuracy Setting up receivers for YAC Decision making Much less ‘hero ball’ Long ball I suspect there’s more that others can add to the list but that’s a good start. 😃 There is zero doubt in my mind that we have our franchise QB. Now all I want is that he thinks along the lines of TB and takes a little off the next contract to ensure he’s surrounded by other offensive weapons. Wishful thinking? Probably...but a guy can hope.
  18. Do you know their operating capital? If one team has untold millions and the lower end has few millions, it’s a drastic difference. See MLB: exactly what the Yankees did. Not to mention, covering the cap is only one aspect. Other costs, required changes to personnel, stadium, uniforms, advertising, etc? That doesn’t even touch the owners who squeaked in and need to pay themselves. Look, if you think all will be well, that’s A-ok with me. I believe it will disrupt the system and I don’t want that.
  19. That is at least somewhat reasonable instead of randomly increasing the cap. Franchise owners will rightfully, in my opinion, raise cane about this. As I mentioned, some of them have much deeper pockets than others (we, fortunately, have one of those owners). I like and appreciate the parity the cap has created. I’m hoping they keep things true to the formula that got them there.
  20. The sums of money for those numbers is minuscule in the big scheme of things. I don’t see how the cap does not drop. It won’t add up, financially speaking.
  21. This defeats the entire point of a salary cap. Not all teams have Pegula’s and Jones’ as owners. The cap will have to come down, it’s straight forward economics.
  22. I agree. I would do that while holding on to him and seeing how he evolves. I’d be extraordinarily angry if we cut bait and the light clicks for him with another team. I totally get it. He did make a really marvelous TD catch this week but his blocking is atrocious. He really needs to work on that. With any luck he’ll spend the offseason with Kelse again and take a step forward a’la Josh.
  23. I suspect Knox will be in the pattern of most pass catchers of the past thirty years: it will be a process to see his true professional self. I know it’s maddening, but I think patience needs to be the word with him. Just my opinion.
  24. I love it! As for the ‘down games’, even C. Kent had to leave Earth for a while to rejuvenate! 😃 Josh is the real deal...hands down.
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