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Everything posted by TroutDog

  1. I am ok with your argument here. I will reiterate, however, that none of us know all of the moving parts...or the team ‘fit’. That is the soft stuff that none of us will ever know.
  2. I can’t argue any of that save the fact that the cap was/is up in the air next year due to Covid. It went down so far (guessing from many) that it was a concern. For me, there are so many moving parts in these decisions that it’s crazy to think about. We discuss these in a vacuum, typically, around one player, but that effects EVERY other move. Again, appreciate the perspective but I’m not even sure the reality of these decisions is able to be placed on this board without understanding the entire picture coupled with their upcoming moves which none of us have any knowledge of.
  3. As proof, I would recommend you look at NFL scoring through the first five weeks of the season: it was off the hook. As for their Covid plan, I do not disagree...but what they’re doing should not be the gold standard moving forward, in my opinion, which is what the NFLPA wants (and I suspect the NFL does as well...tons of scoring).
  4. Open your mind, my young padawan: I have purchased from you (and LOVE your art!). Mandalorian is GREAT!
  5. It’s your pills, House. 😃
  6. Agreed...I would have loved to have had them both but what we have seen on the field proves Beane’s point: those guys were better here and the Bills are better off for saving the cap. You said it more succinctly than it did, though! 😃
  7. Please...I’m not bashing them. I loved them both when they were here and look at my history: I pull for any young guy to get chances to a fault. Not the same, in my opinion. Sure, if you provide some facts. I’m not belittling you, just commented on your post.
  8. Ok...seems to be quite a bit of guessing in there but if that’s how you feel.
  9. I’m still holding on for finishing season two...and am taking a ton of heat from friends for it as they want to discuss! Been too wrapped up in Bills football! 🦬🏈
  10. I won’t argue that other than saying if you knew they’d be where they are now would you still argue to pay him? I loved the guy but the results are in the puddin’, as they say. 😃 Agreed...obviously. 😃
  11. There were many TBD GM’s who commented on Beane’s stupidity to let them both walk. Hmmmmmm. Shaq was non-existent on the field in their last game (literally ZERO stats) and Phillips has a TOTAL of ten tackles, an assist and two sacks. https://www.nfl.com/players/jordan-phillips/stats/career Looking at reality, who was right, Beane or the individuals who called these decisions poor? For me it is fairly clear that Beane was. With that being said, the defenses around the NFL were hung out to dry this year with no time to gel. That is why I hate what the NFLPA arguing for not having any preseason work: the play on the field was, definitively, less than what we have come to expect from a defensive standpoint. Anyway, I digress. Thoughts on letting those two go?
  12. “Please, please, pretty please play your PS guys!” It’s a PROFESSIONAL football game. The ‘running up the score’ argument is weak.
  13. PS is not a rehab facility. Silly to say that to me. If he can learn how to be a pro and then we can trade him we’re all the better for it...as is he.
  14. If this kid can get his life in order anywhere, it’s at OBD.
  15. Excellent review as always. What I found was most important was the fact that, other than QB, the Bills have depth. Sure, Barkley had a few deep throws but, overall, he missed quite a few passes. Beane has assembled a very strong team, going far down the roster, that is ‘Championship Caliber’. Sure, anything can happen, but between now and then but this team is definitively ready for a run. 🏈🦬
  16. Ummmm, I get they may have said it as well but they also said it during the TN game.
  17. They literally just said during the TN/Houston game that, “No one wants to play the Bills.” Love it.
  18. So deeply sorry you’re going through this but incredibly thankful the Bills are providing one ‘bright light’ during an otherwise intensely unfortunate time.
  19. Ok. I don’t agree, obviously, but all opinions welcome
  20. KC and LAC tied going into the half. I truly believe we are peaking at the perfect time.
  21. Having lived through both, I’ll answer this way: Jim is the best Bills QB of the 90’s and Josh is the best from the 2020’s. I don’t feel a need to crown one or the other. As has been mentioned, Jim with the current rules, in a passing league that doesn’t allow QB hits and all his stats would change. Same going backwards for Josh. How does one square that?
  22. Dawkins in his post game presser: “The Buffalo Bills play to kill.” Best quote ever.
  23. Yeah, he’s either totally on or totally off. I’d prefer to use him only as depth.
  24. I would dispute this. This is Daboll’s O and he calls the plays, not KD. The reason it took so long to get going is Josh being young, lack of weapons, lack of line, etc. He did what he could with what he had, player-wise.
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