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Everything posted by TroutDog

  1. While he doesn't call the plays he has a strong resume and is certainly interesting. With that being said, I am still wishing they would get Toub in the building.
  2. I will be excited with the unknown of the season, the new coach and staff, draft picks, the smell of fall football weather, the fans at the Ralph, the wonderment of tailgating and the gathering of friends. I will also be excited to know that I will not be spending one cent on tickets (I get free tickets from time to time) or merchandise. I refuse to do so until the ineptitude of this organization is washed away once and for all. With that being said, I grew up a Bills fan, screamed wildly at SB XXV and have (and always will) root for the Bills red, white and blue.
  3. OP: are you on crack? It's ok to ask for help.
  4. To me it's the fact that we all invest a significant amount of time, money and passion into this team. Even with the parity that exists in the NFL one would think, in 17 years, that this organization would be able to assemble a decent enough product at least once to say, "Thank you" to us, the fans.
  5. ---------------------------- The three main people in this discussion have also said, repeatedly in interviews, that they use more of a 'team' approach between this brain trust to make decisions. Given what has transpired since Rex came aboard, I believe that to be more reality than the drivel regarding these specific quotes you mention (knock intended for them, not you). A 'team' approach to decision making, with no one at the helm, is a recipe for disaster (which I mentioned in another thread).
  6. Agree completely with John from Hemet: Brandon is exceptional as a marketer, like him or not. That's critical, particularly in the Buffalo market. Retain and control him. Rex must go now. The game passed him by and he can't recognize it. Success in the past in a changing environment does not necessarily translate to success in the future. Agree on Whaley, too. Let him fulfill his title. TT: cannot/does not make sense to retain with his existing contract. If he's willing to renegotiate, fine, else let him walk.
  7. There are many good points in this thread, thank you to all. Another thing to consider is the 'team' approach to decision making that they have made such a point about. From my experience, this is a recipe for failure. A GM has that title for a reason and those powers must be exercised. If not, the organization is adrift. Sound familiar? As mentioned before, I believe Whaley has done a yeomans job of finding some strong performers. He's reached on others. Overall, I believe he's done a good job but needs to take full control. That includes jettisoning the current coaches and getting someone in place who understand the game TODAY and understands their place within the organization.
  8. My girlfriend said this as we watched: "Both of these teams look sedated." She was right. Play calling seemed poor at best and TT is just too erratic to be 'the' answer. $27m next year? Wow. Rex, to be honest, seems like he's been in over his head for a number of years now. While I agree that a win is a win I also believe if the Bills were being coached by someone with roots in the 21st century we'd be far better off.
  9. Nix isn't the reason this team is a failure though he's certainly a part of it. At the end of the day, through all the regimes of the past 15 years at One Bills Drive, there is but one constant: Ralph Wilson. His leadership breeds all kinds of cancers within the organization. Until he's gone, we will get continue to get the same terrible product. With that being said, losing Chan is a no-brainer. He's proven again and again this year that he is not an NFL caliber coach. He proved, before that, that he's not a D1 coach. He's been passed by, at lightspeed, by the game. They may not hit the reset button this offseason but they should, yet again. I will not renew my season tickets and continue to support a failing organization that has but one constant since its inception.
  10. I agree with most of what you're saying other than: 1. Byrd has played well. 2. Fitz is done: far too inaccurate. 3. Can we contend for the playoffs? Not with this coaching staff. Nix has assembled a good team and they're being coached ineffectively. I hope we go get a coordinator from the 49ers, Pats, Ravens, Packers, etc. and make him the highest paid coach in the league. NO MORE RETREADS! Get someone in here who can light a fire under a good group of players. The two games prior to this tell me a great deal about Chan and this coaching group: you don't lose like that if you're being coached properly.
  11. It does make sense: Rochester and Syracuse COMBINED are smaller than Toronto. All of the other marketing ideas you've offered (which are currently employed) are far more valid with a game being played there. With that being said, the easiest way out is to put a winning team othe field and this organization does not seem capable of that.
  12. Alternative rules: 5 hours prior to kick off: start drinking Half time (for those in stadium): stop drinking (unless you have wisely stashed numerous $8 beers at your seat). All others: keep drinking and read about it on Monday.
  13. A well written article that is decidedly bent on making the older cities of the NE that have seen their fortunes shift seem like ghost towns. Does not come across as someone who is offering a well rounded opinion of the area. Unfortunate. Let's go BUFFALO!!!
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