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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. "I started to compare girls to cheese due to their milky complections [sic], girls are soft, smooth feeling and tend to like dairy products more," Kudos to the lady in the comments section. "He sounds like a complete Muenster"
  2. Leave the movie theatre if your text/call is important. 71 year old gunman, wow
  3. I just want to thank merper for teaching me the word PWND. Then to go out and get PWND as bad as he did here. Shine your shoes douche. Keep that nose high and the pinky extended. Leave the condescending pot talk in this thread please is a request I have. Thanks in advance Nice reply to alpha... You really are a loser troll huh ? Repetitive nonsense isn't gonna help ya on that one, i would delete that one fast.
  4. Funk the pats, colts d is bad and got gashed. Lets not overreact to Legarrette Blounts revival off the trash heap. Let's get some weapons and out score those bums. First 3 picks wr lb OL is needed IMO.
  5. Simpletons abound who see Da'rick is Da'not all that. Name calling over 7th string wideout? Awesome.
  6. Brady > Manning. Bellichek > Fox Pats vs Hawks. Come and get it
  7. Edit your post, add something that isn't embarrasing. No one cares about your collection of Fiat's. Synthetic oil is the way to go if your fleet is getting too large. 3,000 miles just comes way way too soon. 10k with synthetic is probably what's needed for a jet setter like yourself. Let this thread die, your flailing too hard.
  8. Chicken Tikka Masala and Naan is the play
  9. It's gonna be hard to get bumped past Griff Whalen and Brazzil on the depth chart. When they "hogan" him with hard work. I predict 3 tds for the raiders after the colts cut him in 15
  10. I might have said this 40 pages ago Da'who cares. Udfa legend
  11. Earl freakin Thomas. So good
  12. You might need some pot before you write your jokes. Like those dumb comedians you spoke of earlier. I give it a zero. EJ's from the 757 otherwise known as Hampton roads. Your joke should tie that in somehow.
  13. Ingram w the drop. That's why they hate to play you. chancellor is the real deal, 20xbetter then whitner and not even a top 20 pick iirc.
  14. Nah I'm mid 30's. We can hip hop it up Thomas. Are you a biggie or a tupac guy? I think I know magic carpet ride, we can bang that one out at karaoke if you want though.
  15. Definetly mixing up his crusades here, is this why they booted him the first time and he had to come back with an alter ego ?
  16. If any of you internet gangsters can run for longer than five minutes, here is your invitation. There's a nice selection of games avail from the 6am game downtown to the rec centers/churches etc. Come on down to the 757. We see who's laughing then.
  17. Your boner for me is getting a little outta hand. Sorry your ex girlfriends smoked a little Ganga and left your boring ass behind. Your pain pains me. Try online dating maybe, get back on the horse!
  18. First off I'm an adult I don't use stupid terms like PWND. On drugs breaking into houses ? No way ! You know there's other types of drugs right ? Drunk people break into houses also. Criminals do drugs....SHOCKING news, captain obvious. 77 mil. Get out of the way merpermerper. Cash is king. Dr. Suzanne Wills must be a dummy. (She wrote the "PWND" piece I believe) http://www.dallasnews.com/news/columnists/steve-blow/20140108-drug-warrior-suzanne-wills-isnt-on-the-side-youd-expect.ece On my way to play a little basketball at the church sir. Like I've stated many times, some adults can smoke it when they want and have zero addiction. Ya know the 90%ers.
  19. Was just watching espn. Spikes tweeted out pic of car stuck in driveway due to snow the day he was late. Guess he already had a strike or two w bellychex.
  20. http://letterstotheeditorblog.dallasnews.com/2014/01/colorado-procon-marijuana-legalization-good-for-business-addiction-starts-with-pot.html/ Mexican cartels slated to lose billions. Bring on the psychosis ! 77 mil coming colorados way. Stupid stoners, who work 40 hours a week w disposable income.
  21. his escargot apps were to die for in the 70's at the
  22. Eric decker is solid. He was making plays w tebow FTR. Demaryius wasn't quite as good yet. Decker is moneybags mcgee IMO.
  23. to listen to Zamfirs pan flute to get his day started
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