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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. My mom passed a long time ago, but thanks for sharing. I guess your lucky this is the web, you can yap without the repercussion of getting smacked around like the little twat you are.
  2. He was on that Cali gateway chef told us about....what cha gonna do ? Gotta say no to the white stuff unless supermodels are involved is my rule of thumb. And a big no to anything else.
  3. Good looking bong chef...that's close but it's more like this..
  4. I have unlimited internet access. I woke up early to work all day, kinda like you tell in your stories. #firstworldproblems
  5. Its not that funny. Hipsters are the guys and girls you see at the apple store or at "cool" bands shows. Kinda like this guy in the pic attached.
  6. Happy bday gug! We get those mets over .500 soon !
  7. Don't do hallucinogens. My state is as real as it gets. Coffee/eggs/work buddy. I'm probably paying your welfare check as we speak.
  8. It's kinda hard dealing w depressing stories about people will no willpower like yourself who gotta go all AA/NA on us The gateway drug. Let me blame pot. Everyone needs someone or something to blame for their bad decisions. Thanks for sharing jim. Keep coming w the snarky, holier than thou BS. "Don't do what I did". Done. Thanks for the lesson.
  9. Gateway to cheese dip and guacamole for most. I say no when my local meth/coke/heroin dealer stops by, my gate must be jammed. Maybe if I add a ton of alcohol to my pot the gateway will open. This thread is getting depressing. Adios muchachos
  10. Take better shots. Dimebags are for the restaurant carnies you hang with.
  11. Cry me a freakin river, take shots then cry when ones fired back. Heeelarious
  12. That's how u leave a thread, Later Alpha, these hens will continue to cluck. Here's a nice link for 3rd about the other oldest profession.
  13. Follow the herd, sheep.
  14. Can u give a good reason people smoke cigarettes or drink beer ? Don't need a good reason. There's no good reason to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes or pop adderall but those are just fine for most folks. People enjoy doing what they want, my recreation time is for me.
  15. No one ever got elitist with it. Just straightening out your boy.
  16. Coulda had the Da'rick failure footage if it was last year.
  17. I guess we won't continue our bromance then. I miss us.
  18. Abuse of anything is bad. Dolts to steal a word from you, might not understand that.
  19. What did I tell you about jokes ? Cut them out of your shtick and your credibility would rise by 20% You and Tom are terrified of pot, cool. 2/3rds of people under age 50 support legalization, clocks ticking.
  20. Ignore button time, just like the women use on you in real life. Nice edit to add 99% more content. Medicinal marijuana = home run, no debate needed. Kids relief with seizures have sealed that a long time go Recreational marijuana = you have been advised off all the different types of "perceived" losers who enjoy mary j over alcohol/caffeine/tobacco. Guess a shmo like you gets to be the judge.
  21. Quit being so dumb. He already told you he runs a dispensary. I'd quit w the attempted humor, it's not one of your strengths.
  22. +1. I think it went well for ravens a while back as well.
  23. The movie had not started yet part changes it up. Any light from ones phone during movie kinda sucks though. I've traded shushes before w irritating moviegoers before. Never been shived like Zagat though.
  24. Not all of us are familiar w merpers special brand of nonsense. Forgive me for engaging him I guess. What's the terrible back story ? They are ripping him apart in the Muslim thread now as well.
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