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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. I hear ya Rob, I like Camden Yards though. Pretty inexpensive night out. Maryland Live the casino they opened a while back has been nice to me as well. No more 5.5 hour drives to Atlantic City are needed for us Virginians that enjoy a little no limit poker action.
  2. Keep Spiller, no reason to trade the talent IMO. Ankle hurt, now it's better.
  3. Lost my uncle that I was Super Bowl bound with late last night. Only Seahawks fan I've ever known. Addicted to chain smoking Marlboro lights, it did him in. Sad sad BS that those cancer sticks are legal IMO.
  4. Ahhhhhh. Was cool for you 30 years ago but now is where the subpar clientele hangs. Got it. Inner harbor on game day is solid FTR.
  5. incorrect, thats how you chose to live your life in the past. don't project your inability to live without "revolving around getting high" on me. if Maryland wants to treat it like alcohol good for them. The inner harbor is a great time now with a nice open container policy for most bars close to Orioles/Ravens games. add a little green to that, who cares?
  6. cool chef, enjoy your couch. I wouldn't be going solely to "smoke a weed" . I might go to an Orioles or Ravens game, I might go eat Seafood at one of many nice options. I might go to Maryland Live and play a little poker. loserville for sure. so many dumb options called life. god forbid anyone has any fun around here.
  7. Maryland ready to throw their hat in the ring? Very nice. Crabcakes/Casinos/Cannabis trio sounds like a good time, I can drive a few hours to support this. http://baltimore.cbs...s-like-alcohol/
  8. All of this. Watkins runs better routes by a mile.
  9. Twitter says recently deleted account of pettine's daughter said it.
  10. 3 of top 35 with Josh Gordon and Joe Haden in tow doesn't sound so bad.
  11. Jb makes moonshine FTR. Remember when that was illegal too ? Must be nice to have personal freedoms to do what you like.
  12. Wonder if your brains been zapped like merper warned us about. Doesn't seem like it....you made a success out of yourself. #disprovingmerpersbs
  13. The world is a changin......sucks huh ?
  14. 2/3rds under age 50 support full legalization. Recruit more for your cause chef. Your in the minority here FTR. More old fashioned thinking is just what we need !
  15. For sure....and when I kill all of you this star on my badge will make it all legal ! Haaaa. Was much better without commercial breaks for me.
  16. You back at your cubicle or are you wasting the companies money again ? A dog in New Mexico ate some pot.....care to rant and rave about that some ?
  17. Might want to purchase your own internet instead of jacking your neighbors. Streaming video will be easier. Now tuck your shirt in and get back to your cubicle. Your not a mod.
  18. Definetly some better lines in this one. I laughed a few times Raylan to the guy getting his house seized about the relic pistol "more than 100.00 ?" Dewey Crowe on his whorehouse hiring fatties was good. And finally raylan to the kid "Derek, I have a loaded gun get out of my car" Tough times are upon Boyd, wonder how this wil play out. http://grantland.com/hollywood-prospectus/justified-season-5-episode-2-the-gangs-all-here-in-the-kids-arent-all-right/
  19. Randi Kaye is aboard. Cougarville !
  20. I don't brag I tell the truth, sorry I don't project my bullshhhhh onto others like you with you "embarrassed mom" horse shhhhh Your one sick bastard though, sittin at the keyboard waiting to pounce. Guess the lady's out having fun ?
  21. I make a little my girl makes a little. Ordinary boring stuff. Any breaking news on the toddlers eating pot cookies story that shook merpers world so hard ?
  22. Ahhhh the good old interwebs where everyone's pockets are lined with gold. Tell me about the 20 Blondes who camp out by your pool.
  23. Write it off write it off write it off. And pots inexpensive. Bump those figures up a tad please. Violent not violent what's the difference, you can talk about my mom here and I can't do anything about it. Your douchy flag flies high. Congrats. HR and the co-workers that go to lunch without you don't allow you such freedoms in real life.
  24. It's plenty where I live, not bragging either. Was defending myself from all the mother talk. Tons of people have to work a long long time to get to 80k. I'm glad it was quick and easy for you. Color me impressed. (Seriously) Plenty of folks with good jobs/degrees are struggling/getting laid off everywhere, life isn't fair for all. I am perfectly fine with my position.
  25. Of what ? A good looking stud who makes 80k and is off 4 months a year ? Tom come here and do me a favor. You can eat the other ball Enjoy your senility gramps. I hope people still listen when you talk.
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