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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Sounds like it's more about Bruno Mars then the show. Mars does appear a bit of a copycat at times. But then again what new can there possibly be? There's no new zeppelin or Beatles walking through that door. He's got a James Brown schtick he does also.
  2. If Carter Williams stayed this team would be even better. Close to unbeatable even with his long arms affecting the zone.
  3. mettenberger or whoever else drops to the 3rd/4th would be ideal. Id love to see Boyd as that option.
  4. You want a bigger shovel ? Keep digging? Or quit the trolljob. Either way your flailing again here.
  5. I make the connection that you are truly clueless to anything marijuana related. @chef. The guy was in and outta rehab often, stories about movies being delayed for his rehab stints have been discussed. Also it's noted he was in rehab last year. Merper is just confused and in the wrong thread. Don't think hardcore drug user gives 2 shhhhhhhts about legalized pot halfway across the country from where said hardcore drug user lives. Another terrible reach by merper just like every other page of this thread.
  6. It's amazing how clueless some are. Steeeeeeeee rike 21.
  7. Sure....good catch Sherlock. Heroin addict w unlimited money and resources to get whatever he needs relapsed due to pot rules in Colorado and Wash state while living in NY ? /thread Steeeeeeee. Rike 20. Give it up.
  8. Gotta be tough to play down low. Congrats to Cuse on the dominating start. Elbow to the forearm doesn't cause your whole body to blow back though....that was a good sell job IMO which ironically is a tactic duke has used often over the years.
  9. Was in rehab for heroin recently...... Just give up, you should have on page 3. Your batting .180 in this thread. Pot nor pot laws have zero to do with this. He ain't the first or last actor who will die from "real" drug abuse why you worry about harmless pot.
  10. Rak is a great actor.
  11. Incorrect, they didn't legalize heroin. Your reaching a little too far, quit extending those tipee toes. I don't think PSH would be interested in a bag of weed of he had "real"drug withdrawals.
  12. It would be nice for EJ to shame TG in pressers after every win. Would be hilarious. The weekly shade on TG.
  13. Agree Ng my girlfriends cousin has a littl meth thing going on and her whole family is trying to help and she's stonewalling them acting like she needs no help. Was a normal wife w 2 kids a year ago.....now is out doing who knows what looking all cracked out. Sad stuff.
  14. 100% chance it was the weeds fault. Put your kelso/welker helmet on before you leave the house merper. It's tough out there.
  15. Bills need to smack some 5th round home runs like the hawks did w Sherman and Chancellor. Meanwhile we draft bums like Whitner and Gilmore in early rounds. Peyton ain't beating 49ers or Seahawks anytime soon. Draft a complete team and compete.
  16. Helmet to helmet ? Cheating ? None of that happened. Seahawks won by being physical.
  17. 20x. 5th rounders Kam Chancellor and Richard Sherman are better than our first rounders.
  18. Saw a stat before the game that Broncos were 0-3 losing by average of 31.3 pts when they wear the orange jerseys. Make it 0-4.
  19. Seattle has grown ass men playing linebacker and safety and they all can hit. Nothing was flag worthy tonite. They were outta control during the season though(refs and flags on hard hits)I'll give you that.
  20. Putting the lady to work on a batch of this now....stealing your recipe. Bake and stir all together? Any other tips or tricks needed ?
  21. PSH was far from a dumbass, nor has anything to do with the enlisted. Obviously he was troubled. No reason to kick dirt on him. Almost Famous was amazing....Lester bangs role for him was awesome Lester Bangs: That's because we're uncool. And while women will always be a problem for us, most of the great art in the world is about that very same problem. Good-looking people don't have any spine. Their art never lasts. They get the girls, but we're smarter.
  22. Yea I noticed this and tried not to see as I dvr'd it to watch after Cuse game. Emily Ratajowski (sp) was worth it.
  23. Boo hoo...go join a "mainstream board" with real bills fans. Wahhhhhhhh
  24. Oodles of Noodles..............Shrimp flavored with imitation crabmeat added that dish never lasts long, so after that we have Brisket in the smoker to be paired with some brie cheese on this version of a cheesesteak we do.
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