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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. I don't know about all the breaking gay news in Sochi but I heard a lot of talk about the Russian athlete who had this pic on her social media. Allegedly some are saying its racist and the Russians think the obamas are monkeys.
  2. Agree when I was 16 nothing could have been better. My English teacher just wouldn't comply though, she married some guy off the local news instead. And huge yes to wash st. She's cute.
  3. Animal on the drums w the sweet vocals.
  4. Boyd will surprise wherever he lands IMO. He crushed Lsu's top rate defense in years past. Snagged him in 5th round in redraft if you like that better. Struggles vs South Carolina often. I see him as mcnabb like with plenty of upside. He carries himself on field like a pro JMO.
  5. The broker/banker should have advised him of his options once it was close to the lock expiration date. A simple lock extension at a cost and redisclosure of APR could have kept the 3.25%. As opposed to the other option of no additional costs but rate could be subject to worsening. At least he would understand how 3.5 came into play and close anyways as opposed to having bad taste in mouth after getting blind sighted at closing w higher rate. It's bush league if he didn't know of rate change at least 24 hours before closing IMO.
  6. I did a 5 round mock on there, couldn't resist Boyd in the 3rd as top rate EJ knee insurance. Ideally would snag Ebron in trade down. 1----Eric Ebron(TE UNC) 2----Morgan Moses (OL UVA) 3----Tahj Boyd (QB Clemson) 4----Max Bullough (LB MSU) 5----Jordan Zumwalt (LB UCLA) Did redraft as I didnt love the first one ended up with 1----Sammy Watkins (WR CLEM) 2----Gabe Jackson (OL MissSt) 3----Dominique Easley (DT UF) 4----Max Bullough (LB MSU) 5----Tahj Boyd (QB CLEM)
  7. Sounds like a case to me. GL.
  8. When they said they can fix it what they meant is hopefully the rates will improve and we will be able to honor that rate. When the rate never improved it sounded like they just blew you off. I had a coworker who had this issue before. Why the 2 appraisals ? Sounds like the 30 day (standard term) lock ran out over the length of time to get whatever appraisal issues you had straightened out. The banker/broker should have extended the lock which would have increased your closing costs but kept the 3.25 rate that you expected.
  9. I was a mortgage broker for 5 or so years. Something shady is goin on it seems. The actual broker could have made an extra thousand or so by baiting and switching you which is highly illegal especially with all the RESPA rules. They probably won't be able to get you the rate anymore as they have risen. Crappy all around situation.
  10. Is that your prized piece from your restaurant days ?
  11. Money money money is always a factor. If it is corrupt as you say...then we are all effed. Just like tax time.....bend over and take it.
  12. That's because the world (especially when lawyers and govt is in involved) is full of unnecessary red tape. A box of bullets only costs so much. Not sure how much the needle runs but I fail to see how that can run more than 30 years of goulash and sheriffs pay to watch them. With DNA testing and cold hard evidence I fully support the death penalty. Kill / rape someone lose your rights......life is hard....eff em i say.
  13. Kill em all.....reduce taxes so we don't have to pay for these a holes meals for 40 years.
  14. Work on your cadence... It's just fine. You just have to say the Drew his gun on all the girls part a little faster like a rapper would. Yo.
  15. With SJ's oft injured groin, that makes Watkins or any top tier wr worth it IMO.
  16. Watkins is a bills fan ? trade up !!
  17. Georgie Porgie pudding and pie drew his gun on all the girls and made them cry.
  18. He's beyond terrible. Showed some flashes early in his career, but he's killed Va tech w consistently poor play. He's a poor mans EJ.
  19. Pettine's defenses also made Maybin look like a sackmaster. I say ship him out quickly....4 sacks and terrible run defense is his future I think.
  20. Definetly..... Can't forget hitman Mikey either. He offered to give Art the buisness outside. Who knew Steve the pirate was such a gangster, the whole thing between him and Art was awesome. Guess Tim and Rachel ain't gonna get any screen time this year. Tim rules.....alcoholism, PTSD and all.
  21. I like the idea of Murray as a later round snag. Fwiw a lot of mocks have him falling pretty far due to the injury. 4th or 5th should do it if consensus is accurate
  22. Ship him out while his value is high. He's pretty much worthless vs the run.
  23. He got off cuz the people of the jury said not guilty Now he is morphing into tonya harding.
  24. Cry uncle ? It's was more like 3rd shut up already. GZ got off. Why fight adults when you're only experienced beating teens and women ?
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