Solid 2 weeks of action. Ava looking good in that prison shower.
More Tim please "did you slip in Art's shower"
Boydisms "shut up Dewey and sit down" " I believe in capitalism" "why make an enemy when you can make a friend"
Raylanisms "your brothers a world class dumbass, no offense" "You would be surprised where a Marshall can go without a warrant"
I'm all in on Daryl Crowe the guy keeps me laughing "you got yourself a dark twisted mind Raylan" "you sometin else Boyd"
Solid show for Boyd's henchman Carl "you get that out of a cereal box" "well I'm not a fortune teller so"
The extra 12 or so minutes added to each episode is nice. It's a shame the show skips next week due to Olympics.
Finally starting to enjoy amy smarts social worker a bit.