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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Was injured as well and deserves the same mulligan. Don't understand why spiller gets so much flack on here. He was lights out the prior season when healthy and broke a long one this year running hobbled.
  2. Shameless is good even though it's constantly doing that showtime over the top thing. The Fiona coke child turn seems too dark after her life was getting better with the job and all. Didn't see the newest one, but Kevin's MVP of that show for me. Always hilarious. Him and Phillips argument at the bar last week was great.
  3. No reason they shouldn't really.....this was more of a shot at Sam though, had no issues w the group showers last year. This whole 95% of the league will be so accepting is prob really 70%.
  4. It's gonna be tough on him. Played a lil cards with a starting nfl linebacker recently. He was a total homophobe when we started yapping about Sam a little. Thinks he should have his own personal shower.
  5. Heating up and story is rounding out well with this episode. Coale to Hart in the preview for next week "without me there is no you"
  6. Unlike these proud Norwegian's
  7. Whoops... Zero pts. Whose pulled off that legendary feat ?
  8. Is he a nasty thug though ? This is not a bad idea.
  9. The Dark Tetrad is among us. Watch your backs.
  10. Sellout.....gonna have to tar and feather you baby blue.
  11. Not yet sir . Season ain't over yet. Congrats on the blazing start. I like watching Grant and Cooney. Meh on the rest, my boy Marcus Paige hopefully will show Ennis the door once ACC Tournament gets here.
  12. Tell your friends from Pitt to stay away from Chapel Hill. 6 in a row for the Heels ! Wins over Pitt n Notre Dame recently have me back in this. Here's to finishing strong!
  13. Id probably be interested....email me some rules etc to follow.
  14. Sorry for your loss.
  15. Nebraska not that good ? Was planning on renting soon. Little Miss Sunshine was solid IMO. Granpa ruled it in that one. Agree on Juno w most, super average. I'd be fine never seeing page again, gimme more Michael Cera though.
  16. Minus the times where he catches the ball....hence the reason he gets paid to do so professionally. We have had this same thread 10times over with the same drop stats of all the wideouts. Let's move on. 7th round wideout to 7 mil a year ? Sounds like a quitter to me... Cheeeeeeze Why hate on the people who work at Lowes? Life is hard for some. Don't disparage the workers.
  17. 100% behind Stevie and bounce back from rough last season overall stats wise. Lets get rid of the only guy who got open. That's a good one. Crusade on.
  18. You lost me at Goodwin, him and woods were always healthy and never locked down by bigger corners. Stevie to panthers w Cam would be hilarious....nice 88 catch 1300 yard season or so. At least me and you can have a da'rick style Stevie thread. Goodwin ain't ready. Turrible idea imo op and Tim "the mouth" Graham. Tim out there leaking everything.
  19. Bring back Polio and the Black Plague also.
  20. its all hot dogs and sausages at fergy's place. wonder if he puts his leftovers in the birdfeeder.
  21. I'm not sure where the optimal dong viewing should occur.
  22. not all of them, but definetly a few. why ? i have zero issues with gays, i know a few and have relatives as i think most do nowadays. women same scenario some not all. am i the only one here who's been small talked up by a gay guy? come on theres more of you.
  23. Not me man, the gay dudes love me. Ive been small talked/hit on a few times.
  24. Not so sure thats an issue. If i am showering at the gym and a kate upton and salma hayek lookalikes are there as well its gonna be real hard not to look. Your a saint if you can pull that off.
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