Exactly. Too many reefer madness types are so lost in this thread.
Very fair and logical take.
Apologies for showing you it's 2014. Outdated pot shaming is laughable.
Look around sir... The points being made for you. You had this same rationale in the roaring 20's over booze.
So you drink that espresso vodka ? Nice chef.
Oooooh, you better not talk about the gays! Big no-no sir.
Keep talking Zimmerman, he will pop back up on CNN soon enough. You empathize with the neurotic fatty a lil too much IMO.
Didn't know old fashioned and incorrect information constituted destroying.
Read the links. Decriminalization and outright legalization is here. I win.
Spare me the stories of bob the stoner in the 60's.
I thought you wove the white flag and were exposed as a fraud already.
Better get back to your cubicle before the boss finds out your on your phone again.
What's your point ? And Bam! DC decriminalizing as well.
Yea they are a little hipster-ish and I think Bill Maher is linked to them somehow.
Videos from Argentina and Ukraine are worthwhile though. Get to see a lot.
Cracking down on all those who advocate booze and marijuana for minors ? Get them !
Gupta is on CNN now raving about the green stuff. Sounds like Georgia is the next state to hop into the legalization.
Mad Men is gonna be 7 episodes over 2 years ? Good move staying away from dexter, last few seasons were crap IMO.
Justified > Sons of anarchy. Can be watched on Amazon instant prime similar to netflix.
Game of thrones might be worth the 50 bucks. I watch zero sci-fi/fantasy stuff and love it.
Vice news behind the scenes in Ukraine part 2
Meanwhile UN envoy Robert Serry claims Russians tried to rustle him into car w force but he got away. Lot of pro-Russia "thugs" running around.
I put the wire over breaking bad personally. Chris n Snoop would snuff out Walter White and Jesse with ease.
Gotta add true detective to your list. I'm binging on Luther now, which is Idris Elba (stringer bell) cop show mixed with dexter type feel pretty good.
If you really wanna binge hop in to Friday night lights. Underrated show
Make no doubt about it this team is reeling hard. GT was very very bad.
I'd be surprised to see them in the sweet 16 at this rate. Gonna have to bounce back hard at ACC tourney, another tough loss there and it's a wrap.
It ain't over yet...still some embers smoking with Buffalo allegedly.
Check out this video. This series of vice news updates looks solid.