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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Another draft pick we missed by one spot is what I see. All hail king McKelvin. Gilmore and his cushion needs to show me the money still. Gonna give him a pass due to injury last year but my Gilmore confidence meter is around a 7.
  2. Way way too premature IMO. Unless that's the island where you play 10 yards off every wideout. And Mark Sanchez is your daddy.
  3. Doug Martin was crap last year then got hurt. I drafted him real high in a fantasy football league.
  4. Yea I know....let's talk about Karl Rove and Obama that's some real fun.
  5. The Barry Sanders/Robert Smith/Terrell Davis of pot smoking.
  6. Nice. Just like most 18 year old women.
  7. They should track down this guy who hacked uber facts. He's talking a bunch of nonsense and taunting the real owner/proprietor of uber facts and their 6 million followers.
  8. Clowney.... And his 3 sack senior season 320 pound lineman gonna eat his lunch Who voted Watkins ? Boo this man !
  9. Mellisandra nude was a strong 7. Danneris has to be packing the goods no ?
  10. You leave Katy Perry out of this! Leave Katy Alone !
  11. Yea lets worry about the lawyers. AhahahhahahabahahhahahH Will need less cops when they ain't out there wasting people's time with irrelevant pot charges.
  12. Bill Maher and Sarah Silverman's fame boggle me. I don't think either is funny at all. If ya like Seinfeld Bbb, I'd try to get ahold of the 2nd or 3rd episode of Louie which featured Seinfeld recently. Was heeeeeeelarious.
  13. Awesome. Now the quality of the greens in NY will be much better.
  14. Good point. Stick with the 60 minutes and prune juice regimen.
  15. Wanted wanttttttttttttttttttted dead or alive
  16. Cut that number in half to wr #15 IMO. Especially with no Stevie.
  17. Final scene with Pete, Don, and Peggy at the burger chef was thought provoking. So strange to see how everyone has grown and changed over the years. It's a GD shame a show this good has to end. Wonder why Joan/Hendricks is losing weight after all this time. Hollywood life must be getting to her. I love her either way.
  18. Boyst and Chef are cheap Get Hbo boys. Game of thrones is the bees knees.
  19. If the mountain wins followed by Tyrion getting the guillotine...I know a lady or two who will cry. The mountain slicing that guy up who kneeled for mercy was something.
  20. He's a Percy harvin Heinz Ward mashup IMO.
  21. Yep that orgy loving Antonio Banderas ripoff is gonna hand that big guy his arse. But I guess you never know, GOT has no problem going into dark places. ** don't ruin it book readers
  22. I know Bobby Boucher is a tackling machine for the mud dogs. I also know Willie Beamon keeps em steaming.
  23. Peyton Manning does throw a ton of screens as well as long balls. Used to be Pierre garcon on the pick play. Now it's demaryius or welkahhhh etc. Not disparaging anyone's point here but I'll take 7-10 yard screen passes all day. Move those chains !
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