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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Sorry Pete. I will continue to hate on Lecramp for the duration of his career. He's a queen who had to join other superstars as he wasn't man enough to do it himself while giving the Cavaliers input on which free agents to play with. (aka anti-MJ) Him and that assclown Wade tried to clown the almighty Dirk Nowitzki and Dirk sent those fools packing. Go spurs go !
  2. @LexGrayWAVY: Six of Bowe Bergdahl's former platoon mates say he should be court-martialed and tried. Hear their strong words on @WAVY_News this morning.
  3. Guess the hgh doesn't react well to the heat.
  4. Marcell makes the leap to contend with his draft classmate jj watt.
  5. What else are ya gonna do ? The current system clearly isn't showing any results. We can deport white people with two baby mamas and the propensity to sell crack also if that eases the racial overtones
  6. So time to deport all black folks who sell drugs and have more than one "baby mama" ? Is that the fix ? #savedetroit
  7. Tannenhill would solid if he was the bengals qb jmo.
  8. Cheektowaga stripper > bill o reilly And what the %#{} is birddog talking about. Recording her BS was the right move. Especially when she stated her cop husband who hates blacks is gonna come kick his ass. Might wanna go back to giving handjobs so she doesn't have to shop at dollar general.
  9. Yep....she's a piece of trash and if there is any truth to what she said about her husband being a cop who hates blacks who is en route to kick his ass then the video might have saved him from that unjust fate. "I've stripped for all the cops, see how far you will get". She acts like she's a surgeon or something, like her craft comes with some huge respect. GTFO trash lady.
  10. Good for the bus driver. Bike drivers are out of control. So I'm driving down the street. Everyone's going super slow as biker in Bane mask slows traffic while everyone tries to pass. Eventually pass Bane then get to next stoplight here comes Bane again, he passes through everyone sitting at red light then gets to the front and slows down everyone for a second time. What a tool. We need that bus driver in va beach.
  11. So if you were in Kaep's shoes you would take less ? Let's call it square for 80 mil ? If bums like stafford and others get to break the bank then Kaep should also IMO.
  12. Dalton is limited. Kaep has a huge upside Dalton couldn't dream of. Kaep will look better w SJ13, Crabtree (if he ever stays healthy), Boldin and Vernon Davis. Seemed to not have all those weapons due to injuries often.
  13. Ding ding ding.. I don't think he's getting back off the mat.
  14. Guy who started this lawsuit is scum. What a joke.
  15. Did the tepanyaki grill survive the crash ? No harm no foul.
  16. Zero tolerance for drag racing !! Hang em high op. Who cares. Sack the qb on Sunday and keep cashing those checks
  17. So what's next ? Are we gonna force the google owner to sell his company ? Let's teach him a tough lesson like Sterling with a billion dollar plus gain on his investment.
  18. The Fighter Mark Wahlberg and cracked out Christian Bale creeper movie for my top 5.
  19. "Why don't you call me sometime when you have no class?" Back To School.
  20. Me and the lady both loved the finale. I could do with less Ted and Cutler as more time could always be devoted to Roger/Pete/Don/Joan or even Cosgrove. Less Betty and Henry Francis would be ideal as well. Jessica Pare was beyond hot on the breakup scene with Don. She was killing that bikini ! MVP of the season goes to Roger IMO. His path in life to this point and his talk with Don (post Cooper news)were great.
  21. Just dropped 30.00 on a nice EJ Manuel jersey at the local flea market. Gonna need another 5 years outta EJ now. I'm all in for 30 bucks.
  22. Thread was merged joe. Some other guy started a "assume EJ will fail thread" Some blabber about Dalton and Bradford as saviors. Saviors of the 8-8 season.
  23. You heard it here first ! EJ will not fail. And that mutant horned owl will be turned into chicken wings once EJ pimpslaps the owl mid swoop.
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