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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Not familiar with Pandora ? You pick an artist and it will play similar artists. For instance my Katy Perry channel plays a lot of pink, kesha, poppy girl stuff. My nofx station plays a ton of other punk rock. The George Michael station would definetly play some culture club. Spare me the Katy Perry blowback. Hah
  2. Karma Chamelion ? Spending your day listening to the George Michael pandora station ?
  3. Personally he gave me a feeling of helplessness as he doesn't have the full deck needed to win games on any consistent basis. I'm a fan of moving along once these fatal flaws were exposed. "On to the next one" Just not a fitz guy, a qb should have an arm.
  4. Mclockdown and the human cushion will picks-Patrick all day. That bum ain't beating us...he already stole way too much cash.
  5. Any which way but loose ? Clint and his monkey both have killer jabs.
  6. Watched the hour and a half pot episode last night. Louie is the man, show is so different from everything else on tv. Jeremy Renners my guy now after he crushed it in American Hustle. Nice cameo from him. Fx is the channel now. Loving Fargo series as well.
  7. Your crusade sucks a million times worse. In 2010,11,12. The guy had 3,000 yards and 23 Td's. 49ers will crush it with him in the fold.
  8. Wonder how long it'll take the Houston fans to label him pickspatrick.
  9. Mike Williams ain't going to be teaching woods too much if PFT's info is right. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/06/16/mike-williams-has-work-to-do-to-earn-a-roster-spot-in-buffalo/ "The Bills have four talented young receivers who are locks to make the roster: Sammy Watkins, Robert Woods, Marquise Goodwin and Marcus Easley." Wonder if Easley knows this.
  10. Irving Love and Lebron would be sick. Melo to Chicago could still beat them all if that falls into place Got my fingers crossed my Mavs snag Carmelo, I'm a huge fan. He gets a bum rap unfairly IMO because the Knicks stink.
  11. Turn that Neil Sedaka down. And shame on all of you that have uttered the words Coldplay. Led Zep ruled the roost and still does.
  12. Salute to old man Manu, everyone kinda forgot about him. If Green and Parker hit any shots this thing is over. Kawhi is tremendous, so much upside still.
  13. http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2014/05/30/game_of_thrones_and_the_wire_matching_the_characters_on_each_show_to_their.html Ygritte is Snoop lol. Whose Prop Joe ? Robert Baratheon ?
  14. Is Lybia close to clitoris ?
  15. Have at it. Create a twitter account then fire one right in.
  16. So he scores all his points when the spurs have a 20 pt lead ? I will give him zero credit. Game starts in the first quarter "king"
  17. diaw > Lebron 2-3 finals record coming right up. Bravo Spurs !
  18. Hard Knocks and almost anything else on Hbo in the last 5 years has been solid. I have seen them all.
  19. Remember that time that Bobby Boucher showed up at halftime and the mud dogs won the bourbon bowl ?
  20. Simmons mailbags were solid gold for a while there. He might be falling off a little now as he has gotten huge at espn lately. I just never took to Reilly, but I have zero interest in golf which seems to be his thing. I'm a Simmons fan still, but I am a big basketball nerd which is his forte.
  21. Agree. I never understood why espn.com would feature his stuff. Can't stand the guy, Bill Simmons has always been 1,000 times better.
  22. I don't know. The ice anchor wipeout apparatus and the barrels that spooked the wooly mammoth with the towing package action scenes were pretty solid.
  23. Made. Favreau and Vince Vaughan
  24. Because Chris Bosh was on fire ? Lequeen was trying to call timeout while bosh was winning the game. He wanted to do it himself so he could cry/yell at the refs with a miss (like all night)or pound his chest and scowl at the crowd with a make. King Joffrey > King James. Huge douche. When's that hgh testing start ?
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