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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Nope. Check out any of the op's posts. http://youtube.com/watch?v=_Prp615mmDk
  2. All of this. I like melo, Lance Stephenson (ain't getting "blacker" than him), Paul pierce, KG etc etc etc. Hate Lebron. White black is irrelevant. He's a douche who came into the game with a ridiculous nickname. MJ is the king. Enjoy your under .500 finals record "king"
  3. Only an idiot wouldn't use the AC when the heat index is 158. I'd kill myself if I didn't have my AC on blast in my truck and at home 24-7. Was 94 here w a heat index of 105 all day.
  4. I don't know about the #6 thing but this was pretty solid. http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/bill-russell-serves-lebron-james-after-mount-rushmore-comments-021814 Leego
  5. I blame the World Cup and this 2 week soccer craze. Any word of how he hurt it ? Pickup soccer and basketball are nightmares for nfl GM's. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/07/02/bills-could-stiff-alonso-in-theory/
  6. Yup...all of this. Someone should shiv this mofo. Him and James Harden
  7. If EJ is Willie Beamon what happens ?
  8. I was whooped with that mod baton a lot in 2011-12. A lot of "others" Bad mouthing chan gailey got me a suspension for some reason. I hired Rabinowitz and Hersch later in 2012 and have lived a rather clean life since then.
  9. So excellent that the 49ers decided to go another direction ? I watched a few 49ers games, guess I caught his bad ones. He's a donkey. Sounds like maybe he got lucky like 2012 spiller last year.
  10. Except for the throws where he does ? What are you talking about ? See week 1 vs pats maybe ?
  11. No Bruce Willis love ? He's always solid. Always a showman and overall cool dude just like Tom Hanks.
  12. This is the opposite of bad. http://youtu.be/H4O0NIjBHJs
  13. Best music in a video game winner right there.
  14. Classics Bases Loaded and Baseball Stars for sure. Super tecmo bowl Ring King Karate Champ 1942 Current Madden MLB the show
  15. Agree Melo is an amazing player who's getting crapped on lately because the Knicks are bad. Let melo come to dallas or chicago and his critics will be go away. Just watch any of the team USA games where he was brilliant. Best mid range jumper in the game IMO.
  16. He did tackle that guy 8 yards deep in the end zone when he was a bill for a flag. Bum.
  17. Dimebag's and Milkshakes ? How can I become a franchisee ?
  18. Fair enough. Every time I watched the 49ers I came away impressed with Eric Reid. Thought he looked better than ole donte as a rookie.
  19. Yep me and the lady loved it. So many good groups. Sara bareilles and Ben are great fun judges. Some of those Ivy League guy groups were awesome. Let's not lose all our credibility like plezmd and say we enjoy glee. But #bringbackthesingoff
  20. Yep, he's toast. When did that happen ? He's brutal in coverage still. Yup. He held the 49ers back, probably cost them a Super Bowl as the weak link on D.
  21. Sing off was more enjoyable than the other singing shows IMO. Not sure why it didn't catch on. Seemed liked they rushed thru the seasons.
  22. Where do we send money to undercover juror#8's plight ? Did the main girlfriend and knocked up side piece conspire to have him offed ?
  23. Whitner is a huge liability in coverage. 49ers let him go after being exposed in the playoffs often. http://gifsection.com/2014/01/eddie-lacy-runs-donte-whitner-nfc-wildcard-game-packers-49ers/eddie-lacy-runs-over-donte-whitner/
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