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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Why so serious ? Millions of other rabid basketball fans dislike Lebron. He's a big boy and has been criticized soundly often. In my house he's lebum. Him and d-Wade mocked Dirk like little schoolgirls then Dirk murdered bosh and the heat while his tongue wagged like MJ. He does cry for calls and is lucky Ray Allen hit that 3 to preserve Lebrons legacy a little. And yes the spurs did lay an epic record breaking embarrasing beat down on the big 3 FTR. Nothing wrong with some facts.
  2. Lochlan killed it. Think he has a ton of great jokes stashed away.
  3. Really. Gonna bust out tears for Wurzburg ? Left for the NBA ?? That's the goal mcfly. Lebron gets smoked in finals, don't get all emotional because he's on the run again. Dirk Cal Duncan etc all don't run. Dirk should have 2 rings. Tim donaghy jacked one from them w phantom Dwayne Wade fouls in 06. I don't like Lebron. I have that right. Jordan would hang himself if any of this stuff transpired on his watch. http://dailylounge.com/the-daily/entry/lebron-james-vs.-nba-playoffs-a-history Very unkinglike.
  4. Lebum. The anti Jordan/Duncan/Cal Ripken/Dirk Keep leaving teams and crying for calls. Wait for Cleveland to acquire 50 #1 draft picks and I will magically show back up. Nice letter but I was done with this loser years ago. 2011 Mavericks whooped that royal arse just like the Spurs. You ain't no king.
  5. Wiggins looks amazing. Cavs are gonna be pretty good. Won't be surprised if Anthony Bennett makes a huge leap.
  6. Say whatever you need to say just stay outta Israel you miscreant. #%{* u too !!
  7. Not sure who the PA is. Took it from his line. Either way. Long live Israel. Take the whole West Bank back and kick all those bums out. Already gave up half the land to Egypt for "peace".
  8. I hope melo signs w the bulls so they can represent the east.
  9. Stupid is living in the West Bank. And as you have noted before the PA control is full of broke asses with bargain bin rockets. You don't control shhhhhhhht except for those inferior women who better cover their faces to avoid rape.
  10. As long as Chandler Parsons makes his way to Dallas I could care less about lequeen. East is weak.
  11. Sucks. I'm at a bar w directv in a monster storm. I won't be able to see it.
  12. Too bad Israel won't let you in. A therapeutic dip in the Dead Sea is just what you need. Aren't there other nice rock throwing countries to move to Like Jordan and Syria ? Shalom.
  13. What are they ? I can guess. But for thread reasons lets hear what the peaceful Palestinian had to say.
  14. Heard Kevin Love turned down a trade to the Cavs a few weeks ago. Also heard celtics are hard after love and a rondo/smart trade could be in works.
  15. How's the arm ? Time to throw some rocks
  16. Maybe say no the 5th cheeseburger and you wouldn't fall asleep at the stadium.
  17. Sounds like bosh to Houston. Mcroberts is the new bosh. Parsons or Stephenson to the mavs.
  18. With the quick outs I haven't noticed. I roll with the other Bay Area team. Morse n Belt picked up the whooping sticks last night finally.
  19. Samarzija is solid. I think Hammels a fluke. Why not add a pitcher when the A's are finally sniffing the postseason. I like it for samarzija his era was around 1.80 and couldn't get a win for most of the season.
  20. Don't sleep on the lochlan guy. He's funny at times, waiter at a buffet stuff was pretty solid.
  21. Yea it's decent this year. Rod Man and the self checkout bit was pretty funny. Rosanne telling that hipster to eff himself was great.
  22. Whitners at it again. Tweeted something that said The Toronto Bills Now Darryl Talley among others is flaming him.
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