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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. You're joking right ? The guy just dropped 37 on the bungles. That bum kaepernick runs also.
  2. You repeating that the refs were a non issue is a hullabaloo. There's video you can refute if you want to stay on that. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/bills-player-gets-15-yard-penalty-for-apparently-slapping-own-teammate-214916390.html
  3. I can watch them in sweaters if you prefer.
  4. Definitely pass that pipe. Or press enter every few minutes
  5. Thanks for the weekly "funnies" Last week we had Robert woods thread now we have this.
  6. If this guy is available we can't afford to miss out. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090427001210/fnl/images/e/ef/Erictaylor.jpg&imgrefurl=http://fridaynightlights.wikia.com/wiki/Eric_Taylor&h=334&w=250&tbnid=lmrrth3ih4vmtM:&zoom=1&docid=oxMEFx0wIeia3M&hl=en&ei=LS07VMqVMcitogSLq4H4Bg&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CCcQMygDMAM Clear eyes full hearts can't lose
  7. All of this. Total clown show. Ashamed of the league for the job those refs did on us today.
  8. The zebras bent us over. Unwatchable horsecrap.
  9. Flacco on pace for 20 plus tds today. Al Bundys records are in jeopardy.
  10. Miss ya buddy. Pats have your whooping boy Revis now. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.neweracap.com/Libraries/SWYC_athlete/stevie_profile.sflb.ashx&imgrefurl=http://www.neweracap.com/en_US/Explore/SpeakWithYourCap/stevie.aspx&h=460&w=383&tbnid=-CNwt9A-nC7FhM:&zoom=1&docid=30FPH4Y9_ITr5M&hl=en&ei=3a86VNCvF4iejAKOioGIAQ&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CC0QMygJMAk Worse move than the Chris Williams one. Seemed like Stevie always took it to the pats.
  11. When does the da'rick takeover start?
  12. Losers don't drive orange Lamborghini's. The defense isn't mediocre.
  13. Elbow boob > no boob. I still love getting shoulder boob by well endowed hairdressers. Did ya ?
  14. Boobs boobs boobs. Guess we are all lucky that's no pitbull.
  15. Skelton > Eli > Orton.
  16. This is good. Jordan Palmers footwork and Mario for Skelton/Osweiler now have some competition.
  17. oliver the goat. running over jets at the goalline 2 tds
  18. Everyone else likes to take showers.
  19. Story of the day minus the petty play calling early.
  20. I would plead the 5th if I listened to Metal.
  21. Episode was cool with me. Was nice watching Margaret and Nucky doing some day drinking. Van Alden was pretty cool under pressure. Capone needs to take it easy w the blow
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