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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Watch the Clemson games like the scouts did and it's really not a head scratcher at all. In hindsight ODB is a monster but I will never naysay the watkins trade at all. I screamed like a girl when we picked him. He will pay monster dividends for years to come.
  2. Keep digging the hole deeper. Looks like you lost a vote somewhere.
  3. So the 2 more wins with Mack thing isn't true now ? My reading comprehension is off, can you post a picture of Mack in blue and red to see if it will change my vote ? How would Mack fare if his garb was yellow and purple ?
  4. This is a cool story. We need more help on defense. Especially linebacker The votes have spoken. Jmo and imo are your friends.
  5. When are you gonna explain the 2 win theory ? My calculations show 2 more losses ? Am I multiplying my minus signs improperly ?
  6. Bwahahahahahaha. reciever playing through injuries w garbagefest at qb is why ? Can Mack complete 5 yard passes ? How's his spiral ?
  7. How long until she starts looking like the mother?
  8. We already score no points. Can't take weapons away from the "offense" we have. Sammy all day, give it some time.
  9. Saying orton and Rogers in the same sentence makes me giggle. Rogers 35 tds. Orton 14.
  10. I thought the process started when we send orton over for the pre game handshake. Let's the other qb know only 1 td is needed for a win.
  11. So if stop the pain says ej sucks in 90% of his posts then ej sucks ? Wonder when shefter and mort will start sourcing him.
  12. Cutler 28 tds. Orton 14 tds. Switch that around and were in the playoffs baby ! Woooooooo. yes to the trade.
  13. Watch the strikes he threw to gronk vs the fins on Sunday. Brady rules. Accept him as your maker. He is top 5 Qb of all time.
  14. Unfortunately there's no such thing as bad Brady.
  15. Team dirtbag. Anyone who wouldnt want to watch Tom Brady throw perfect passes to our receivers and running backs is nuts. It would be beyond exciting.
  16. Is there a clause with this lease? Do we get stuck with him if he's hurt ? This 2 year matty ice lease sounds great.
  17. Enjoy that lonely seat. Nothing could be better, unless Cams available.
  18. Couldn't disagree more on the wedding crashers. That movie was solid gold from front to back. Might have been Vince Vaughns last good work.
  19. Looking thru his list of movies and this might be true. Guess Ricky Bobby was his masterpiece. Stranger than fiction was actually pretty decent.
  20. Did someone say Free cutler Blame that wacky Trestman
  21. Nice scarf there cutler, got any of that heroin left ?
  22. seriously how does Ferrell and the powers that be let that thing hit the public. huge fail for all the comedy writers involved. guess Zoolander 2 is gonna have to show these fools how to do it.
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