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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Cougar of the year. Watched a few of these over the weekend. Nice catch pooj. Might be a bit of a hardass though.
  2. Bills win. Opposing coach brings 29th ranked offense with him.
  3. Yes to Lazor. Solid looking offense, would be better if Mike Wallace gave a crap.
  4. My worst fear is fat vegans. That's a lot of cake honey.
  5. Seriously. Gotta pack those bags and run from the yellow journalism. It will eat you alive.
  6. Let me get a seat right next to fergy on the Bryce Petty train. Looked pretty sharp today vs Mich St.
  7. Real true love always conquers all.
  8. Wow. Not a big college football fan myself but Mariota vs Jameis. Would love to see that live.
  9. I think favorite saint doug moments are still to come. Gonna be tons of hilarity if he goes to the jets. No positive memories of the quitter who loves to punt and ruins offensive lines.
  10. Nice to know PTR will be rooting for doug Marrone and the jets to beat the bills. Holy cow.
  11. Marrone had a pepperoni pizza in his office calling his name.
  12. Cheers ! And Lol to all those in pain over the loss of Marrone. He was below average at best. He should send a percentage of all his future earnings to marcell, Kyle, Gilmore, brown, and co.
  13. Cool story. Keep bowing to saint doug the puntmaster.
  14. Eff yea!!! Later Punt Marrone !
  15. Of course yes.
  16. Here's to 2015 where we will have Spiller .............IN SPACE. Hope Kate upton stops pestering mrags.
  17. Italians wearing long t shirts being trolled by drunk mighty mighty bosstones fans? This is definetly a cool story bro. Which part was the humor ?
  18. Hahaha you guys are funny. Just ignore what's happening on the football field. Marshawn rules period. Don't act like scorned ex girlfriends. we don't need 13 td's and 1300 yards on this team.
  19. Soccer is only cool when Rodney Dangerfield coaches and dresses his son as a girl while the ladybugs rack up the W's.
  20. %}^{]***}*+]%] er. Now I can't comment.
  21. Fail, this joke might have worked last year. No so much while Gilmores out there shutting down everything on a highly ranked pass defense. Peyton and Aaron Rogers don't want to see him again.
  22. Look at the depth chart and remove Orton.
  23. So by "date" you mean a guaranteed score w Erin Andrews ? This might change things.
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