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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. 9 wins 7 losses. I'm confused by these statements.
  2. Oh geezus. Back to this again.
  3. I wonder if JP Losman got blackballed. I'm sifting through the clues now.
  4. B b but Kluwe and Tebow should be pro bowlers.
  5. Vets who want a final paycheck, TEBOW ? And Kluwe ? Sweet. I apologize. Tebow was BLACKBALLED !
  6. Put your tinfoil hat back on and tell us stories of all who have been "blackballed". It's an epidemic huh ?
  7. Can you tone down the snark a little ? 2 people have corrected you. Look up and take a breath before you keep plowing forward with irrelevant information The league is gonna plant drugs on Sherman ? Do they whip you at your job when you are late ? When was Gordon blackballed ? After he failed 30 drug tests ?
  8. Got it. Josh Gordon's drug problems/Incognitos alcohol and rage problem/Mike Williams beaten out by Chris hogan have everything to do with Sherman and Beastmode. Thanks for sharing
  9. Fail. How is any of this relevant ?
  10. Watched first play. Demarco Murray runs it. 3 linebackers don't really tackle him. Crowd boos, I turn channel.
  11. And ? They can't touch Sherman. Don't think Beastmode answers his phone if they call.
  12. not a fan of all, Don't understand this hitch part 2 seems awful.
  13. Not everyone likes to fall in line. Sherman and Beastmode aren't company men. Nothing wrong with showing some balls.
  14. Please stop. you look foolish when you post this nonsense. ODB has a gold jacket waiting and Watkins might be moulds. Cool story. Nyg's record was sweet !
  15. Sammy rules. Keep crying about it though.
  16. Romo throwing to Odell Beckham Jr. is a sight
  17. Jameis, Bortles, Bridgewater, Marriota, Manziel is my order. 2014 had tons of talent. Zach Martin, CJ Mosely, and the almighty wideouts.
  18. what are you saying here? is this related to ODB ? This draft is weak except at rb. NFL.com's guy has Mariota falling to 18 to the chiefs.
  19. I was unaware Bart Scott was such a failure.
  20. Gronk might be in for a serious Kamming. Kam Chancellor at +4000 to win superbowl MVP. Give me one of those jump fg blocks and a few ints for the payday!.
  21. The doctor is in ?
  22. "Like many aspiring models, Charlotte dropped out of high school at 17" Look at the big brains on this one.
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