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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. http://tvrecaps.ew.com/recap/justified-season-6-episode-2/3/ http://uproxx.com/tv/2015/01/justfied-cash-game-quotes/ The final season story has been set. Great to see Buddy Garrity from FNL back on the screen. The new villains all seem to be on par with the Quarles and Wynn Duffy's of the world. Mary Steenburgen? Still a yes in her 60's ? Take my credit card FX, I want to pay for the Tim Gutterson spinoff. Tim is the goat. "Random internet baby" lol Looks like one guy out there is a bigger nerd about this show than me. "There must be an alternate universe where "Justified" is fully recognized for what it is: one of the greatest shows in television history. In that universe, Olyphant's cagily nuanced portrayal of Raylan has been honored with at least one Emmy for best actor in a drama. In that universe, Walton Goggins has a whole shelf of Emmys for best supporting actor. In that universe, the writing and directing on "Justified" have yieled enough awards to collapse a fireplace mantel" http://www.cleveland.com/tv-blog/index.ssf/2015/01/justified_begins_its_sixth_and_final_season_in_high_style.html#incart_river
  2. Sammy will dominate soon enough and the trade bashers will eat crow lock it down.
  3. I felt that way about the music city miracle but still enjoyed the Rams Titans Super Bowl. Tough tough loss for your packers much like the cowboys who were jobbed the week before. The year of the gutpunch for both playoff teams.
  4. Im just here so I wont get fined. Girl you kinda sexy too. lolololololol.
  5. Thug ! https://youtube.com/watch?v=sY36BmRFf_I
  6. It's a shame some of these euros would be fine seeing it again. I don't think the Jews in France are enjoying themselves. Ronald S Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, told the commemoration: "Jews are targeted in Europe once again because they are Jews... "Once again young Jewish boys are afraid to wear yarmulkes [skullcaps] on the streets of Paris, Budapest, London and even Berlin." http://m.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30996555
  7. There's definetly some sort of issue. He was about to cry when smoldering Britt Mchenry tried to approach him after a playoff win. Leave the guy alone, he's asked time and time again.
  8. He's a dbag because all his teammates love him ?
  9. Marshawn Rules. Back to back superbowl appearances
  10. NFL.com "guru" has Marriotta falling to 18 at Chiefs fwiw.
  11. you have time to rebound from this poor showing. Learn from your mistakes and become a better man.
  12. If you say so. In this instance your link is a made up story. Instead of saying whatever, thanks for the constructive criticism would be the appropriate response. I'm here to help. Take my hand into non fantasy link land.
  13. I'm trying to say don't use the unprofessional football league as a link to enhance your credibility. Defeats the purpose when it backfires.
  14. Ummm you mean http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/bears-de-lamarr-houston-says-colin-kaepernick-called-him-the-n-word-182329156.html Your link is from the Un-professional sports league. "We do wrong news right" is their slogan fwiw
  15. Agree ennis is in no mans land buried behind 4 other point guards with the Phoenix Suns. Should have stayed but I guess it's nice to have that NBA money in your pocket.
  16. Pats 24 Seahawks 17
  17. Marcus Paige is lights out. Rest of the crew can't really shoot.
  18. Gonna need Kennedy Meeks and Brice johnson to overpower Xmas in this 2nd half.
  19. Apple or hair. Rest is crap
  20. Locker is poop.
  21. Death to cuse. Get these ugly Orange jerseys off my my baby blue court.
  22. Nick foles is good. I'm not buying into any of this slander. 27-2 with playoff appearance was very solid.
  23. It's a start. W maroon and half man orton gone we might improve a win or two. Then you can be happy.
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