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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. What is going on here. Why is everyone drafting too many runningbacks ? Confusing stuff.
  2. How much did that run you ? Did you pay in fish ?
  3. Kate Upton > Kathy Bates.
  4. Oh hell yea. Farve to Sammy all day !
  5. Looks like slim > no chance This one burns a little No soup for you.
  6. Why ? Everyone knew Chris Williams and Kolb were washed before they came. Richie not so much. Jmo
  7. I would rather eat my toenails then polenta. Go w the noodles.
  8. Wahhhhhhhhh. Apologize for being a schmuck about it and they will magically disappear.
  9. This is complete and utter nonsense. Why are you pissing on the parade ? Op I apologize on behalf of beef jerky, seems he doesn't understand decency.
  10. Rex's neighbor ? You hanging out at the fence like Wilson and Tim the tool man from Home Improvement?
  11. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/02/06/reggie-bush-implicated-in-spiking-drinks/ Looks like someone testifying in the Darren Sharper rape cases has stated that Reggie Bush also likes to spike women's drinks. Not a good look for ole Reggie. Don't think ecstasy is a date rape drug fwiw. Sounds like Reggie is just another raver who was passing out drugs.
  12. Dooomed. Who will stop the carnage ? Richie will take over all of NY. When Ritchie's guys show up in neighborhoods on the first of the month those envelopes better be full of cash.
  13. What is a field dress ? Is this like cleaning a fish ? No thanks, I'm an indoor cat who has zero desire to put blade or bullet to a live animal. Hunters w excess who want to sell product over the grocery store method I support but it ain't for me jack.
  14. Yea I hope the bills fail !!! Woooooo. Jaguars board needs you, time to move on ?
  15. the men refs are just as bad so Chris Paul has no point here. His team sucks and he is melting down. Cleveland blew them out and they were all salty. State Farm agent Cliff Paul can't be pleased.
  16. Welcome aboard. Posting in season is fine. You won't interrupt the flow of the Ej sucks threads.
  17. Not a good month for the Williams family. His daughter was on tv getting her rear end serviced on HBO not too long ago.
  18. Bring it dadcognito! I welcome your son. Hope maturity kicks in soon.
  19. Let's just go full the longest yard! AP, Rice, McDonald, Hardy, and josh Gordon. Count the rings, hide your wives.
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