Anyone who wants to merge late on a high volume exit on the interstate. Unless you have out of state tags kill yourself, you know the traffic pattern by now. I'm not waiting in this line for 10 minutes just to let you in with no wait.
Double line crossers. Get in line.
^^^someone else is high. Explain what's wrong with the linebackers who were part of an elite defense last year.
Another tired repetitive continuation of kiko-fest ? We stopped the run last year sans the almighty kiko if you hadnt noticed.
If it's justified, then I have zero issue with it. This 20 second in the restaurant shmo is different. As a prior restaurant industry worker I know how easy it is, I have no patience for bad attitudes or lazy staffs, flame away if they deserve it.
This eff that guy, happy they nailed his arse by posting the video. His BS can cost that restaurant tons of cash as other "yelpers" decide to eat elsewhere. I bartentended/served for years tons of miserable losers out there that will complain about anything.
Nothing beats his live shows. The way he lets his drummer sing some oldie like sexual healing or heard it thru the grapevine where they mix it in with his new songs are sweet. Chef can pimp umphreys. I pimp g love. I'll add against me though, guys a girl now but they still kick ass.