This^. Grayson Allen saved Duke with his stellar play off the bench when Wisconsin was ready to blow them out.
Duke gets calls too, 2-3 charges weren't called. Oh well, nothing new.
That Kaminsky drive and the foul at the end of the game was money. Sweet handles for a big man. Hits the other centers w the hesitation dribble and drive like a guard,
Wonder how dekker will fare at the next level. Kinda a stud.
This^^. I went to one and I did appreciate the 2.50 cent beers as opposed to the 12.00 beers and 15.00 margaritas the local amphitheaters gouge you with.
Had fun pre race walking around drinking and observing the racks. 70% thru the race and after beer #15 it got pretty boring. Not my thing.
Been a pretty blah season minus the first few episodes. Enjoyed Loretta stepping up at Markham's town hall meeting though.
Just watched this weeks episode and it was finally awesome again.
raylan roasts crowder - " I didn't realize disappointment was a domain registered to a Mr Boyd Crowder"
Raylan's convo with the dirty cop was the best too. "I see you doing the equation in your head" "Earl step away from the dirty cop"
And the classical music double murder scene is always a hit. An ode to Mikey and Katherine Hale was solid. Hale didn't eff around. My boy Wynn Duffy keeps on keepin on. Watching his eternal douchery backfire when Mikey had the upper hand had me laughing.
I'm back in ! This season is missing the great villain, Markham's creepy kid henchman is trying to get in the mix. We all know his end is coming soon. I'm gonna guess Tim or Raylan puts him down soon. Rachel as a longshot.
French culinary secrets hacked ?
My vote for bandit or jauronimo, chef sounds like he has the skills but I have zero interest in French cuisine.
My fajitas, chicken marsala, and seafood pasta get the job done.
I guess I would PM you, as no one else cares about such an outdated matter.
Look at all those fools in Colorado and Washington state paying all those taxes!