Getting beat up by a kid = not qualified to be a wannabe neighborhood patrolman who picks fights with standoffish teenagers who enjoy skittles. Guess gz fared better when he's fighting women.
Be a man hogan. Take your fat ass to the gym every blue moon.
Woman and attempted kid beater. Sounds like someone I don't want in my neighborhood. He's still a saint and has no culpability in any of these events though huh? Ahahahahahahahahhaha. Heeeeelarious.
This is a quality meltdown. Kudos vwr. It's been a while.
You sided with the Brits at the tea party ? Stay in line and do what you are told, respect the Blue!
Disagree, it's classless.
Houston gets pounded by the Spurs next round anyways. Kahwi will shut the bearded flopper down.
Sucks for the mavs to lose the 16 million dollar man Parsons and the malcontent Rondo. What a wasted season.