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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Didn't slow down Leveon Bell this season. Randy Moss fared just fine as well. Non story.
  2. Getting beat up by a kid = not qualified to be a wannabe neighborhood patrolman who picks fights with standoffish teenagers who enjoy skittles. Guess gz fared better when he's fighting women. Be a man hogan. Take your fat ass to the gym every blue moon.
  3. Man he was awesome in 2011. Catching alley oops and denying Lebron and that punk wade rings.
  4. Just hate schmucks. Zimmerman is definetly a schmuck. Big fan of all things latino. See Trayvon Martin incident. Lol.
  5. bend over and take those pants down like your told boy. Respect all authority.
  6. Woman and attempted kid beater. Sounds like someone I don't want in my neighborhood. He's still a saint and has no culpability in any of these events though huh? Ahahahahahahahahhaha. Heeeeelarious.
  7. Lebron sucks, I'm with FC on this one. Its really cool how he does business and listens to coaching. Only James Harden is worse.
  8. Blame the progressives. I'm sure George's own rage issues didn't come into play. Again.
  9. This is a quality meltdown. Kudos vwr. It's been a while. You sided with the Brits at the tea party ? Stay in line and do what you are told, respect the Blue!
  10. Hookers Casinos Beaches Drugs. Definetly the play for old men.
  11. Jags are cursed. Blaine Gabbert, Justin Blackmon, Fowler. Tough break for #3 pick.
  12. Do what your told boy. Stay in line. Weak.
  13. Bryce Brown is terrible. Bigger faster stronger. Lol.
  14. Mckelvin rules. Is this guy as good as mck? Sweet!
  15. 3rd team all ACC! Championship! Some 5'11 195 pound dude got drafted and he has issues making plays.
  16. 1984 huh ? [url=http://youtube.com/watch?v=aPZkBLTHWv4] Gold jerry gold.
  17. Yahoo was streaming it. Watched in the car for a few picks.
  18. Spicy Mustard and raw onions on the Hebrew Nationals or bust.
  19. You knew and everyone knew the clippers have no shot. Like someone said earlier. Death, Taxes, Spurs win.
  20. Disagree, it's classless. Houston gets pounded by the Spurs next round anyways. Kahwi will shut the bearded flopper down. Sucks for the mavs to lose the 16 million dollar man Parsons and the malcontent Rondo. What a wasted season.
  21. And Dallas Keutchel has the best beard in the game. Congrats on your fortunes Astros fans.
  22. Is he any good at plinko though ?
  23. What is false, Alex ? Many possible scenarios where he could easily. Whose this amazing 2015 draft pick #19 that we are gonna miss out on ?
  24. Speaking of flaming out. Not gonna fall on the sword huh ? Does EJ still get cut or did you make that whole thing up ?
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