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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. They both questioned Roger Goodell. ESPN is censored nonsense now. Simmons was the best thing to happen to them. BR Team Stream. All the news without waiting through all those fluff segments.
  2. Meh. I'd do her. The rest of you'z are crazy. She's a very strong performer who excels in groups of 3.
  3. I wonder if Kromer hangs with Rutger Hauer also ?
  4. Yet he's in the top .0000001 percent of his profession. Good point.
  5. bet those snot nosed kids won't be fooling around with anyone's beach chairs anymore.
  6. “It was dark out. He couldn’t see the people,” the source told Marvez. “The kids were belligerent and threatened him. Bottom line, they stole his property and he couldn’t identify them because it was dark out and they threatened him.” It’s possible the source was Kromer himself. If so, it’s hard to accept such a self-serving account at face value. Indeed, Kromer is a big guy — six feet, four inches and 215 pounds, according to the booking report. How “threatened” was he by a group of minors? Nothing good happens after 1am. They say
  7. Buffalo Wild Wings garlic Parmesan is crap.
  8. Meh. 215 is skinny for 6'4. I'd take him down.
  9. And they wonder why the fathers don't stick around. Smh, let's get turnt up
  10. Never ever ever touch Aaron Cromers beach chairs.
  11. Wut? Watch the games man.
  12. Sounds like he's not tolerant of pig lovers.
  13. Mckelvin rules. Look forward to watching him healthy again.
  14. Was referring to my guy Frank Underwood. No ribs for me today.
  15. Just knocked out the first 3 episodes of house of cards. I know I'm late to the party but I'm loving it. Eating ribs at 8 am like a boss.
  16. As a salty ass Mavs fan, it's gonna be fun to laugh at the clippers as they bow out of the playoffs again next year. Cp3 will break down, Redick ain't stopping anyone, Blake is cotton candy soft when the games on the line. Mavs will stink now, backup plan to Jordan dried up (hibbert). Spurs and Dubs are just on some next level stuff.
  17. Agree, Ballers was pretty cheesy too but at least there was some great Boob shots. Meh to all things Colin Farrell minus In Bruges.
  18. Whose your favorite ? Kevin Faulk, Troy Brown, Brady, Ty Law, Bruschi ?
  19. How stoned was Spikes for this hit and run ? Puff puff pass
  20. I was digging Vince Vaughans pillow talk about his fears too but it's not grabbing me yet. Except for the part where Masuka from Dexter and the Barksdales (the wire)momma showed up.
  21. Vince Vaughans girl would get it. Not so sure the show is. Found myself dozing off a bit during the episode.
  22. Billy Joel's crowd is rowdier than Panic at the Discos. Cool band though somewhat enjoyed first 2 albums. Not sure what happened after that. I liked 2nd album most trashed it.
  23. A Volkswagen rep told the paper that the robot “was not one of the new generation of lightweight collaborative robots that work side-by-side with workers on the production line and forgo safety cages,” and had no known technical defect. What!!! Next gen of no jobs.
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