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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Ummmm. No ? 34 ints to go with his 30 tds last 4 years.
  2. Not using the official one ? Allrighty http://m.buffalobills.com/s/30841/DEPTHCHARTS
  3. You have a link to a depth chart or should we just source you ?
  4. I can see this. But I can't see him blowing up like Mccaffrey did eventually. What a nice player. Him and Rod Smith were great
  5. Fair enough, there's still time left in this story though. Agree on Cassel, Tyrods only been beaten out by Joe Flacco upto this point. Can't verify his suckitide yet.
  6. Thompson all day Hogan/welker comp ? Don't see that and off by 200ish catches. Cole Beasley might be the next welker
  7. Great story buddy. Cheap shots forever! Damn right. Let's go EJ.
  8. Jerry Hughes is a bum who will never improve !!!
  9. What is going overboard for 1000, Alex.
  10. An Andy Dalton team trying to win a playoff game is pointless.
  11. Overrated roidhead. Comes off as Romanowski 2.0.
  12. Try again. Your last few posts are a shining example of Ej Manuel drivel with no facts. There are videos on the Internet on this place called buffalo bills.com if you want to get caught up to speed on the topic. Or you could just repeat your outdated facts w some lame Ej themed cheap shot. Whatever floats your boat. Sorry Ej's improvement causes you pain.
  13. Underrated McKelvin Overrated generic backup hand me down qb "x". Currently Cassel
  14. Anything in the world more annoying than the Ej bashers who call people that watch the games fanboys ? Hey Ej bashers. We get it. Your posts 3 months ago and today look the same. Shoutout to the Ej bashers Keep that old info coming
  15. All you need is patience. Yea yea
  16. 5'3 Meh. 5'7 or bust ! 4 horses huh ? She must enjoy riding.
  17. B b but running qb's and stuff. We haven't processed the new information regarding the types like Rw, Kaep, Tannenhill, Tyrod etc.
  18. These Ej agendas are just too much. Ej's throwing darts the other 2 qb's can only dream of. Sorry this makes Ej doubters lives worse somehow. TT 1 EJ 2 60/40 Tyrod for me. Matt Saracen > Matt Cassel.
  19. Encounters are free on tinder and plenty of fish.
  20. Zero trust in Cassel Noodle arm = 8-8 season. Fluttering int's for days
  21. This anti Manuelite trolling by you is heeeeeelarious. Let it out. Have a good cry. Sorry Ej improved. How angry were you while Ej was throwing lasers all over the field ? No soup for you. Use your eyes captain.
  22. You're a strange one ace. Must be all those non coffee drinks at Starbucks. No one wanted tuel just like no one wants Simms. Let's act like there's some non kookoo fans here too
  23. I can't comprehend how you can't comprehend. It's really not that complicated. EJ SUCKS!!! They said it here.
  24. Fc walking down Ej hater alley alone today ? Old school and Metz must be swamped at work
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