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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Wonderful news. Whatever happened to the pro cassel narrative you pushed "cuz Ej" Those were funny times. Realist party has disbanded.
  2. I guess Clayton wasn't there with Metz all camp long. This makes no sense
  3. Swapping a 5th for a 6th ? Even his trades are meh.
  4. Every team whose had Cassel hates him. Read what Chiefs fans said about him. Sorry Ej is an option. You tried.
  5. Terrible setup. sheng wang was a million times better then dominique. Joe list matchup vs Clayton made no sense. Top 3 List, Bagg, Clayton.
  6. Zac Stacy running all over the field. Runningbacks > Kiko. Well most of them
  7. 14 points for Matt Flynn vs Kiko ? RB goes for 50 yards ? Not watching but doesn't sound too good
  8. Yea but his eyes will slow down once the weather cools.
  9. Jtsp Old school Enlightener Negativo Chris Berman
  10. Eddie George was unstoppable in college. Karlos Williams was meh. I see a poor mans Chris Warren.
  11. Hell yea. Coke weed alcohol and blowjobs ? What a lady. Nice rack too
  12. Wut ? This is too funny. You want Dennis Dixon and Joe Webb ?
  13. Is this where we get our final thoughts on Ej out ?
  14. Uber worried. Lucks gonna eat his soul.
  15. I bash Cassel as I have watched him play and think he really brings nothing to the table personally. I'm an ABC guy not an EJ lover fwiw. I'm fine w Tyrod.
  16. You said I hate myself. Presently I do not. I do hate Cassels arm #opinions
  17. Not interesting.... Talking about me and the middle school kid that hates himself... I assure you I don't hate myself fwiw. You want a link to my Wikipedia page ? I'm sleeping with a 9.5 and I am self employed. Calmer than you are dude. Not sure what you want to debate now. Cassel sucks. Deal with it. We've had to deal with the same nonsense from you in regards to Manuel.
  18. I'm a man. I'm 40 !! Your diagnosis is flawed. Love the emotion though. Sorry you and the rambling Ej bashers wasted all offseason with bashing. REALISTS UNITE !!! Bwahahahaha. Middle school kids. Lol
  19. Wow someones giving takes from 2014. How nice.
  20. Unless Metz gets a Gm job. No one wants Cassel. He's washed
  21. When does your bash the bills at every possible angle shtick gonna end ? 2 playoff wins ? What's the cost ? It loses luster, fake enjoyment over one roster move to keep it fresh.
  22. Ej's clearly the third. Haven't you guys been watching PRACTICE !!! Bwahahahahahaha
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