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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. You and this Langford bull ****. Congrats on that.
  2. The year Peyton and Kobe faded.
  3. What are you talking about kiko is just what this defense is missing and mccoys cap number is too too high. Said the tsw'ers of a week ago.
  4. I'm an evil Jew I don't read Korans. I also desecrate monasteries like the story in jtsp's home video Wonder if the Lannisters and Starks hold some of the blame as well.
  5. The jtsp gatorman justice triumvirate is here. The truth shall not be contained!
  6. Download the Bill Simmons podcast. He's got Chris Ryan and Andy Greenwald from grantland doing their tv show if you liked them.
  7. Gotta pardon old school. He's a 4 star general in the anti Ej army. He once did a tour with firechan and metz in London. He also said tyrods a poop sandwich too. So who knows.
  8. Ounce of bomb weed in Colorado = 241.37 Ounce of meh weed without taxes in Va = 300-350 Tax fail !! Oh Colorado schools aren't broke anymore Let the stoners pay the teachers salaries. Easy street.
  9. Puleeeeeeze. Put Ej on the cardinals last year in place of the lindley/qb x/qb x pu pu platter and they would be just fine. We get it. Trust me we do. Ejs the worst qb ever just because. Watch some other teams sometime. And this. But no ones gonna wanna hear this.
  10. He's a top 10 backup for sure. The he will be out of the league in 2 months crowd is laughable.
  11. I'd bang her face off, fell in love with her in American Hustle. Call me baby.
  12. Does it matter that your posts always need a proofreader ? I dunno.
  13. Landry Jones. It's 2015 Joe.
  14. What ? Stuffs flying off the shelves everywhere
  15. These !@#$s have been terrorizing the Jews in France for years, now they are terrorizing everyone. http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2015/07/anti-semitism-france-hostage-hyper-cacher-kosher-market Time to make a stand and exterminate these pos's.
  16. Seriously. Way to end the party Kemp. Don't you dare jinx the deranged rhino.
  17. Wow ! **Block Spagnolo**. Howard killed him.
  18. He looks high in this Tetris game for sure. Good for him. Best wideout in the game when Bens throwing the ball http://vine.co/v/eFzZYuixmOM
  19. Whatever him Michael Phelps, Leveon Bell were smoking definetly will ruin your life. Surprised they were able to get off the couch.
  20. 15-34 193 yards. That's not accurate. Still a rag armed bum.
  21. Will you ever give this a rest ? Ej's in the past. You and Metz both are insanely repetitive on the Ej stuff. No one cares.
  22. When Ej threw the PI flag on Robey he doomed us !!
  23. Dallas w romo 12-4 Dallas wo romo sucks They will be tough if he plays.
  24. What am I missing about the Eagles ? They really aren't all that. Chiefs are lights out ? Lol op
  25. Greg Romans as good as GONE!!
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