What are you talking about ? If you pay 500.00 to win 4500 against 10 other people it's gambling.
How much simpler can a gambling transaction be ?
Lose 500 four times a month, don't pay the mortgage and continue to not call it gambling.
He definetly has a rag arm. Sports science said he throws the highest ratio of interceptable passes since Ryan Leaf.
A good few games and everyone forgets the dumpster fires that happened before.
Is it worse than everyone's "French me" Facebook profile editors ? Everyone has taken down their gay cause ones and France is up now. I hear Madonna is gonna fix Isis with some love and peace.
Please do ban him. The tinfoil hat fixer schtick is beyond old.
The refs suck. They messed up again. The game wasn't fixed for THE GD JAGUARS. Get it together, your posts on the matter are embarrassing.
Gotta watch the games. He's a machine. With meh at best position players all around on offense.
He gives out plenty of beatings too. He will get a sb or two before its all said and done.