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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Dummies. She bought him a ps4 and marijuana? What a keeper.
  2. Just watched the almighty KP drain 2 3pointers and back down his guy and finish with the lefty hook shot. Did the Knicks hit the lottery ? Impressive play vs the rockets.
  3. 2 more years max. If embiiid never plays the 76ers should be ashamed for making their fans wait all this out. And FC, take it easy w the Knicks and Porzingis, he's good but Townes is right there to take ROY.
  4. I wonder if jtsp is en route to Atlanta to join ISIS. If they harm Ric Flair I'm joining the service tommorow. Five finger death punch concert in Milan ? Odd targets but anonymous is on it and pissed at Isis.
  5. Is fluellen on the practice squad ?
  6. Why the hell wasnt there more orange juice in Karlos's fridge First the concussions, now a flu ? Cut him
  7. 76ers are gonna give them a run for their money.
  8. KP all day. What a stud. Porzingawd
  9. Will the Warriors ever lose again ? Harrison Barnes and Festus Ezeli look much improved. All NBA thread. Get your hot takes in. Love all the rooks. Townes and okafor look like new Tim Duncan's Mudiay, Wiggins from last year all studs. Cavs and Gm lebron dropped the ball hard on the Wiggins/Love deal. Wiggins looking like Dominique Wilkins 2.0. Destroying rims and frontcourts
  10. Look at Yehuda, trying to get away from his "gambling" losses.
  11. Those aren't stoners listening to the edm. Those are the Molly/Acid/other random trippy drugs crowd.
  12. Needless to say – the penguins’ gumption definitely deserves some more mackerel at feeding time. aint that the truth.
  13. https://www.fanduel.com/games/13586/contests/13586-18882399/enter Good luck beating this, I would kill you with the Kamar Aiken value pick.
  14. Watch the video, you're the guy in the bar. So my money is tied into how athletes play ? Now that I say it out loud it sounds just like gambling !! Lol. Once again. I am in favor of gambling. Pull the wool from over your eyes and spare me this game of skill horsecrap. And yes reddog. Broadway Joe nailed it, couldn't be simpler. Not sure what in tarnations billsareback is getting fired up about. It's pretty cut and clear.
  15. Nick Offerman rules. He was the only one worth watching on Parks and Rec imo, consistently hilarious. Dodds not dead yet but I'm gonna guess the mom catches the daughter on the phone talking w Woodbine and puts a hole through her head. The butcher is still the man. Love his oh well what the f demeanor. Landry from FNL forever.
  16. /thread Last 3 mins of video Rubes added. http://youtube.com/watch?v=QJ453REQhys
  17. Speak for yourself. I'm in on Zoolander, but I'd be in to Night at the Roxbury part 2 as well. Office space 2 is where it's at. That's what needs to be made imo. Whose not buying a ticket to see Lumberg and Michael Bolton back in action ?
  18. Sounds like those repetitive commercials brainwashed someone. Fantasy football is now the game the intellects play ? Lo freaking L You have another beer. I'm not a big fan. I'm into the skinny hot girls who push me into the wine/cheese and crackers game baby. YOU NO NOTHING !! Bill burr destroyed draftkings. They stopped their sponsorship of him after paying him to trash them for weeks
  19. First off I'll wax your arse, and win or lose it won't prove anything. I don't eat ramen soup and I don't "gamble" for 1 dollar Need a few more zeros bro. I'm a gambler and I admit it. Draft kings and fan duel don't get to keep juice or a vig like casinos ? Interesting and false take. They are raking in the cash, and are not a non profit organization. Get real.
  20. Cool. But let's face some hard facts. What is the guy who lost 20,000 playing games of skill going to say when his wife leaves him ? I wasn't gambling baby. It was a game of skill ! I'm not a gambler !
  21. wonderful, now good luck to you not losing money aka gambling when you play your game of skill. Bwahahaha. Believe what they tell you.
  22. Wagering units of American currency on nfl players stats is skill and not gambling. Ok. Whose the master with all of the "skills". Biff or Nostradamus ? I like gambling and think it all should be legal. I play more poker than I probably should and have won and lost a ton betting NFL. It is gambling period. Spare me the legal mumbo jumbo which is now under fire as the "skill" aspect is flimsy at best
  23. Speak for yourself. This white guy has a sweet jumpshot and plays some solid defense.
  24. Hope this isn't a reply to me. If so please elaborate how gambling isn't gambling. I put up 500.00 my team is one of the 90% that doesn't win, I lost 500.00. GAMBLING.
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